Wands and Pentacles as ACTION cards?


How would you see these cards as a male's actions towards a female of interest when another man likes her also?

5 OF WANDS - I see this as competition, so, showing that he is 'the best' and fighting for her attention (he recently joined a gym, a little silly but maybe this could link!) maybe squabbling with the other guy/petty conflict

8 OF WANDS - Delivering news to the female, talking to her, texting her ... maybe passion as it is sometimes called 'Cupids Arrows'.

8 OF PENTACLES - Committing to the task, being dedicated and not giving up... so, not letting his opponent stand in the way. Maybe crafting a plan but in a discrete manner (pentacles are passive)

These cards are part of a reading and only represent the NEAR future! :)




To conclude, I see this as 'showing off your best attributes' and fighting for the limelight. This person will take swift action and begin working on a project involving the woman.


As actions...

Five of Wands is often seen as harmless flirting in romantic readings.

Eight of Wands is often seen as having a quick-burning affair in romantic readings.

Eight of Pentacles is often seen as being more focused on finding stability (or his work) than romance in a similar reading.


Five of Wands is often seen as harmless flirting in romantic readings.

Eight of Wands is often seen as having a quick-burning affair in romantic readings.

Eight of Pentacles is often seen as being more focused on finding stability (or his work) than romance in a similar reading.

As all 3 cards represent the man's actions towards the woman, I'd see the 8 of Pentacles as a progression from the 8 of Wands as in, they take it to another level :p


I should have explained how I read this trio as a group. (As I have said before, this is just my take--how I would read this spread. If you see it differently, that's ok--your intuition into the energy sphere may take you into a whole different direction.)

Wands (Fire) are active and move much faster than the slowest-moving, passive Pentacles (Earth). I would notice the quick-moving Wands and feel that they might burn out before ever moving into the deeply-grounded sensuality of a Pentacle in this draw, since they came off the deck first.

So, what I saw here was a flirtation (5 Wands) moving into a one-night-stand type of relationship (8 Wands,) which burns itself out quickly when the affair turns into the 8 of Pentacles (focused, tedious work) for the man.


I should have explained how I read this trio as a group. (As I have said before, this is just my take--how I would read this spread. If you see it differently, that's ok--your intuition into the energy sphere may take you into a whole different direction.)

Wands (Fire) are active and move much faster than the slowest-moving, passive Pentacles (Earth). I would notice the quick-moving Wands and feel that they might burn out before ever moving into the deeply-grounded sensuality of a Pentacle in this draw, since they came off the deck first.

So, what I saw here was a flirtation (5 Wands) moving into a one-night-stand type of relationship (8 Wands,) which burns itself out quickly when the affair turns into the 8 of Pentacles (focused, tedious work) for the man.

Eeek, well 1 night stands are a no-go so that's not great!


Well, I would say that if this rings true, it bodes as cautionary advice for your querent so that she doesn't jump in with two feet and possibly get surprised that things aren't going as she wished. If she knows what is possible, she can go into it (if she wants to) with eyes wide open and get out if things start going in a direction she doesn't like. (And that's one reason we do readings in the first place!)


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Libra289 has requested that her account be closed, so feedback is no longer possible. This thread, however, will remain open in case others wish to continue to discuss the topic.