What are your thoughts and opinions?


The Lovers Tarot by Jane Lyle
There are two versions of this Tarot Deck, the one I have is in a sort of matchbox style with a little white book inside. The publisher is Connections.
I just bought this deck recently, I'll be using it as a regular deck, I know it's called a "lovers tarot deck" used for insight of relationships, love and the like.
However, I was told that you can use any deck you like for divination and readings, they can give you different insights as well, if you ask the same thing to different kinds of decks and that's the wonderful part. Oh, and as long as you have a connection to those decks as well. :)
I plan to use this deck as a regular one for readings and such, in terms of visual appeal, it's good to me, I have a feeling i'll come to be fond of it as time comes by, like how I came to become fond of my Sasha Fenton Tarot Deck.
I'd like to ask those of you whom have either had/have this deck, experienced it, looked at it, felt it and all, to explain to me your own thoughts and opinions on it.
For myself, I feel very interested in them, very... invested. Most of the cards in it, I find very visually appealing, while some others... I don't. I have this thing of being very picky about decks, I don't like it when the faces of the card's get really life-like, for me, unless you do it really, really, REALLY good, human's turned painting-style isn't very appealing.
Especially if you do it too realistically.
My favorite card right now is The Fool.
He's looking out to the left, across a city perhaps? A new adventure, a new beginning, he's looking towards this city, atop a cliff or mountain edge as the sun shines down upon him, you can just see the wonderment and eagerness he has to start his journey in a new environment.
There are two cards right now that comes to mind that I REALLY don't like,
first is The Devil card... Seriously? An evil looking floating head? SERIOUSLY? Cringe-worthy.
Next is the Page of Swords.... I can nearly make no words for this, but I'll try.
It frickin' looks like the artist copy pasted the headshot of some boy band-wannabe and attached it to the medieval body of the Page.
I could barely focus on the background, the scenery or anything else. Damn boyband-wannabe trying to be aloof mug. >__>
Anyway! So please tell me what you guys think! I'd ever love to hear it~


All that matters is that you like it and it speaks to you. I don't really believe that any deck is a bad choice as it is subjective to the taste of the reader. I had this deck, but I do not remember much about it or where it went to. I remember that I thought it was okay and nice to look at.



My copy was a gift from someone here, who hated it. I must admit I don't love it, but I don't have the issues with it that you seem to have, and it works perfectly well as a general deck (it doesn't seem like a relationship specialist to me).

As you spend more time with Tarot, I think you'll find that every single deck, even the really fantastic ones, have one or more cards that are a problem for you. This is because Tarot deck creators are not gods, just humans.