What is a progressed planet?


How do I know if a planet is 'progressed' or not? And is there another name for 'progressed' planets or is that the standard definition?
Muchos Thankos :D
Bibi x


To Progress or not . . .

Planets are planets, they physically are where they are. A "progressed" planet refers to a planets position in a specialized chart -- a chart that is set for one specific actual period of time but which represents a different point in time. That said, lets give an example in the hope that clarity will result.

An old biblical quotation relates to predictive practices in which a day represents a year. This is a symbolic process. Consider what an astrologer had to work with several centuries ago.
1) The date of birth for a person could be noted and preserved.
2) Time was noted in terms of mid-day and sunset, primarily. These points were not used so much to measure a day's hours and minutes but to note the day itself -- a certain star was seen on the horizon at sunset therefore the planting season had arrived or a festival date occured, etc. For such an important "date" the positions of the planets and Moon would be noted.
3) An astrologer could observe the sky following news of a nobel's birth and note anything unusual on any of the 30 or 40 days following the birth.
4) Each day was symbolically given to represent one year of time. For example, if Mars conjuncted Jupiter on the 23rd day, then a great battle would occur and the King (at that point 23 years from the present) would assure the security of the kingdom.

So, a "progressed" planet is a planet that is contained within a chart which symbolically represents a date other than the date for the chart. Today, we use Secondary Progressions (most commonly) to show us our likely path of personal development focus over time. If we are 40 years of age, we create a chart for 40 days after our birth, then examine it to see what has changed from the natal chart. Chances are the Sun is one or two sign further ahead (suggesting changes in attitude and expression styles), the Moon has moved one full rotation through the chart (every 29 days or so) and is approaching a point opposite its natal position, the personal planets Mercury-Venus-Mars may have moved significantly. But, most importantly, some natal aspect patterns will have dissolved and new aspect patterns will have formed.

These new aspect patterns and house positions will suggest the new energies and tensions and areas of expression that we will be facing at this point in our life. Remember, the chart for 40 days after our birth (in this example), has no real relationship to the actual planet positions in the sky during our 40th year. The progressed chart and planets are "symbolic." The wonderful thing is that these symbolic placements are often quite appropriate and helpful. This just goes to show that "time" is more than a sequential movement of a mechanical clock or a planet's orbital motion -- time is a very mysterious thing.

About a month ago there were several threads covering the technical aspects of progressing a chart as well as interpreting a chart. Use the search feature to find these and review them. Good luck. Dave.