What's In Your Bag? Spread


Hello, I got Llewellyn's New Worlds yesterday in the mail and found this great spread thrown into the mix by I believe Barbara Moore I thought I would share it with all of you. I thought it was a really cute, short, and useful little spread.

Llewellyn's New World said:
by Barbara Moore


1) This will be very useful: This card shows something that will serve you well; you'll be glad you have it

2) This will come in handy: This card is something that you may not use often, but there will come a time when you'll be very happy that you have it.

3) This you won't need: This is something you think you'll need but probably won't use. You'll probably carry it along more as comfort or security, and that's okay. It won't hurt.

4) This will weight you down: This card is something that is like emotional baggage. It will get in your way and cause problems. Definitely unpack this and leave it behind.

5) You forgot this!: This card is a little extra reminder about something you are going to need but forgot. Make sure you remember to bring it along.

Hope you enjoy it. :D :D


Very cute! :D


We did this spread...

at last Saturday's Tarot Circle. It was a big hit, and the readings were very insightful!



Very cool! Now to find a time to use it!!!


I got around to trying this spread out and can say it really knew how to cut to the quick.

(pulling a reversed 9 of cups, emperor, reversed 2 of wands, 7 of cups, and judgment. OUCH OUCH OUCH~! IT STINGS!)

Short and cute, yes! I agree very insightful. Thank you for sharing. This is definitely going in my “collection” of spreads to use.



Very nice...I will give it a try.