Wheel of Fortune as Someone's Attitude


I used a RW based deck to read how someone experiences a particular relationship/their attitude toward relationships in general. I did a basic past, present, future, and I see a nice evolution in the cards. From past to present, I see a detached interest in terms of relationships, maybe a bit selfish, turned warmhearted and sincere, more forgiving, more present and appreciative. The Wheel is in the future position, and I'm not quite sure how to read this. (The page of cups was before it) I understand that the card shows how the person may evolve, is that all the card is saying?


WoF might be saying that the person will learn to embrace relationships as a whole, with all their ups and downs.

Michael Sternbach

Maybe they will be ready to take a chance and commit themselves more.


I used a RW based deck to read how someone experiences a particular relationship/their attitude toward relationships in general.
How someone experiences a particular relationship could be completely opposite to their attitude toward relationships in general. So those should be two different questions to read on....

But WoF as someone's attitude in the future says to me that the wheel is currently spinning "and where she stops, nobody knows." So that says that their attitude is currently in flux. And if how they experience a particular relationship is opposite to their attitude toward relationships in general, that may or may not be a bad thing.



The Wheel is in the future position, and I'm not quite sure how to read this. (The page of cups was before it) I understand that the card shows how the person may evolve, is that all the card is saying?

Think about it a little. The Wheel keeps moving. On older, more traditional cards a motto in Latin often appears broken up between the four figures, which translates so something like

I will rule
I am ruling
I have ruled (and)
I have no kingdom.

This tells you a fundamental fact about the wheel. It keeps turning. It is not a straight line, pointing to ever better and better things, it is a wheel. If you cling to one part of it, you will sometimes be rising (I will rule), you will sometimes be on top of things (I am ruling), you will sometimes be falling (I have ruled), and you will sometimes be about as low as it gets (I have no kingdom).

The Wheel is about instability. When you are in a good position, don't take it for granted because it will not last. When things are bad don't despair, because they won't stay that way.

So in your reading, the future is characterised by instability, by constant change.


How someone experiences a particular relationship could be completely opposite to their attitude toward relationships in general. So those should be two different questions to read on....

But WoF as someone's attitude in the future says to me that the wheel is currently spinning "and where she stops, nobody knows." So that says that their attitude is currently in flux. And if how they experience a particular relationship is opposite to their attitude toward relationships in general, that may or may not be a bad thing.


I see what you mean. Typically the two themes could be intertwined, but I see how an experience and an attitude could sometimes be very different. The two could influence each other greatly and blur the lines, but reading them separately would be much clearer and more informational due to the differences they can have. Thanks! Laying the cards in attitude toward and experience of might be fun to read, actually.


Think about it a little. The Wheel keeps moving. On older, more traditional cards a motto in Latin often appears broken up between the four figures, which translates so something like

I will rule
I am ruling
I have ruled (and)
I have no kingdom.

This tells you a fundamental fact about the wheel. It keeps turning. It is not a straight line, pointing to ever better and better things, it is a wheel. If you cling to one part of it, you will sometimes be rising (I will rule), you will sometimes be on top of things (I am ruling), you will sometimes be falling (I have ruled), and you will sometimes be about as low as it gets (I have no kingdom).

The Wheel is about instability. When you are in a good position, don't take it for granted because it will not last. When things are bad don't despair, because they won't stay that way.

So in your reading, the future is characterised by instability, by constant change.

Ah, Latin. It says so much with so little. maybe they'll keep making the same mistakes/ taking the same opportunities. They may approach things a little differently, but there's something about the wheel that always makes me think, "same shit, different day." In that there is a sense of instability, because it means never really learning or growing- just going around in circles.


The person with the wheels attitude to relationships is usually honest, empathic and open, not in the sexual sense but it's a possibility if both partners agree. They'll likely be a risk taker with a strong sense of humour and will attract someone similar.

The wheel rarely denotes insular partnerships as friendships and social life are important under this card, there's no room for jealousy here as they won't be able to tolerate the restrictions it causes, if you are the jealous type there's no hope!

The card itself links to human potential movements, freedom for the oppressed, philosophy, astrology etc so you may have met through such a group and joint interests will be important as will joint friends who you both enjoy spending time with together and apart.

Like the fool any couple who strike up a wheel match may well travel together and if you were to settle down your home would never be short of visitors.


Ah, Latin. It says so much with so little. maybe they'll keep making the same mistakes/ taking the same opportunities. They may approach things a little differently, but there's something about the wheel that always makes me think, "same shit, different day." In that there is a sense of instability, because it means never really learning or growing- just going around in circles.

This is how I see it. It is a relationship/person that stays stuck in a rut, and repeats the same mistakes (and good times/things) over and over again.


The Page of Cups with the Wheel of Fortune is a nice combo!

Unless there are negative cards surrounding it, I don't see the Wheel as negative. It's one of those cards that I read the same for upright and reversed because the wheel is always moving. A wheel person always understands lives ups and downs and so they are very forgiving towards anything negative. They see the glass half full.

Someone who is a page of cups/wheel would see relationships are harmonious, karmic, and happy. Their unions are always upbeat and they are very romantic. They tend to have good luck in relationships and are healthy and strong. They are motivated and are constantly seeking out the "one." In this life, they are fortunate, probably based on good deeds from past lives. In love they are open and honest communication. They love talking and are always on the go.