Wildwood Tarot -- Page of Arrows WREN


The Page of Arrows is the Wildwood equivalent of the Page of Swords, and my trigger character for Page of Swords is Lisa Simpson. The Page of Swords is one who has learnt and spent a lot of time thinking about what's right and what's wrong, has clearcut ideas about it, but can be naive in his attitude about fairness and so on. I can imagine Lisa Simpson saying, 'We have stood on the shoulders of giants, and seen into the possible,' in her best speechifying voice. The wren, too, has stood on the shoulders of giants, as:

'According to an old legend all the birds assembled to elect a king. It was agreed that the one who could fly the highest would be the winner. (The bat was the only bird that did not partake and ever since to hide his shame only comes out at night!) The eagle, being the strongest, soared above the rest and was confident of victory. However, the wily wren had hitched a ride under the eagle's feathers and when the eagle tired and could go no higher the wren emerged and went on to victory!' (source: http://www.bonane.com/history/wren.htm)

The wren is small and unassuming in appearance, but it is clever and resourceful. It suggests youth, determination, resourcefulness, scholarship, watchfulness.