You and Other Person spread


Hey everyone

I have been offering these kind of readings for the past week, or so, and thought that it is about time that I posted the spread here. You are quite welcome to take a look in the Reading Exchange section if you so wish, no link provided, sorry!

This can be used for any type of relationship, romantic, with family members, friends, bosses, work colleagues, I'm sure you get the point!

Here is the spread:


1: You
2: Other person
3: What do you bring to the relationship?
4: What does the other person bring to the relationship
5: The positive affect you have on the other person
6: The negative affect you have on the other person
7: The positive affect the other person has on you
8: The negative affect the other person has on you
9: The overall relationship between you and the other person
10: The advise based on how the relationship is now
11: The outcome if advice is taken
12: The outcome if advice is not taken




good spread

i have tried this spread couple of times and it yields very good results...i think it has already been posted here before but anyways...good spread!!!