A bit redundant


My daily 3 card draw today was:
Rider (9hearts) Stork (Qhearts) Letter (7spades)
(adding the values of the 9+Q+7=28, 2+8=10 which I related to the Tarot Wheel of Fortune Cards)

So, that's a lot of change in my drawing today.

When I look at rider and stork I get news of change, I get the same thing for stork and letter together and reflecting letter to rider still just speaks of a message to me.

I'm not sure if it's so redundant to emphasize the point, or that there are multiple changes and news of change, or if there was just simply nothing else to say to me today so the cards just got redundant since I was drawing 3 and typically do the playing card to tarot thing for fun each day.

What would you make of the message overkill?