A card ill-dignified/weakened


Hello everyone:
I've read terminology such as ill-dignified, weakened
and according to dignity. Does this have to do with elrments,
ie a water card next to a fire card whereby they weaken
each other. Or can the meanings of certain cards weaken
or streghten other cards ie would an Ace of swords be weakened
or ill-dignified if it was between a five of Swords and an eight
of swords even though they are the same element?

Or does ill-dignified mean someyhing else?


Yes, that is right. It can be a conflict between the elements, or depending on context ay be an astrological reference (i.e.a planet that is not happy in the sign it resides in, which may play a role in the minor cards that each have a planet in a decan assigned to them)

