A little help please?


A couple of hours ago I received a message from dear friend of mine, who is pregnant with twins, saying she was at the hospital already 1cm dilated and soon to be flown to another hospital. She is only at 20 weeks.

I decided to do a quick reading for her with my Faeries Oracle to see what they could tell me about each of the three.

I pulled UnDressing of a Salad for J (mum-to-be) - face up jumper
G. Hobyah for A (twin 1) - face down jumper
Honesty (R) for H (twin 2) - face up jumper

UnDressing of a Salad seems pretty straight forward. Things are in motion and impossible to predict
G. Hobyah is to do with imaginary fears. Things are going to be ok?
Honesty on his head is the one that stumps me the most. I'm not sure if he's telling me something about H or if he's trying to tell me I'm projecting my wants and fears onto the cards and muddling the reading. I'm quite confused about this one.

Any help would be much appreciated ☺


A couple of hours ago I received a message from dear friend of mine, who is pregnant with twins, saying she was at the hospital already 1cm dilated and soon to be flown to another hospital. She is only at 20 weeks.

I decided to do a quick reading for her with my Faeries Oracle to see what they could tell me about each of the three.

I pulled UnDressing of a Salad for J (mum-to-be) - face up jumper
G. Hobyah for A (twin 1) - face down jumper
Honesty (R) for H (twin 2) - face up jumper

UnDressing of a Salad seems pretty straight forward. Things are in motion and impossible to predict
G. Hobyah is to do with imaginary fears. Things are going to be ok?
Honesty on his head is the one that stumps me the most. I'm not sure if he's telling me something about H or if he's trying to tell me I'm projecting my wants and fears onto the cards and muddling the reading. I'm quite confused about this one.

Any help would be much appreciated ☺

I'm sorry love! How is she? Do you now see how your cards related?

I hope that she is doing well and her babies are also! :heart:



Sending some love to your friend right now and praying things will be ok

Bewitch xx


Thanks for your thoughts ☺

I found out from her husband that all is well at the moment. The doctors managed to stitch her to keep the girls in for a bit longer, my friend just has to make it past 25 weeks now. She should be home in the next few days.

As far as the cards go, I think they were definitely telling me I was projecting too much and getting in the way of a proper reading!

TheFeeLion :love:


Thanks for your thoughts ☺

I found out from her husband that all is well at the moment. The doctors managed to stitch her to keep the girls in for a bit longer, my friend just has to make it past 25 weeks now. She should be home in the next few days.

As far as the cards go, I think they were definitely telling me I was projecting too much and getting in the way of a proper reading!

TheFeeLion :love:

Thanks for updating! Brightest Blessings to your friend, her husband and family, and the babies!! :heart:

Hugs to you too! :heart:



I've been through similar but unfortunately for me it wasn't a bright outcome. Tell your friend to take it easy bed rest for the next few weeks.

Wishing her the best

Much love ❤

Bewitch xx