A more ZEN summer?


I saw this pop up in my email and wanted share just because I thought it might be of interest to those who, like me, sometimes could use a little help and inspiration. Just an fyi, I'm not joining the Sea Change program or anything. I was just using the thought of incorporating a new habit along with one already established as a little push.


Thanks again GD for an insightful Zen tip.

Does this mean I can say no to doing my house chores for 30 days? :p


Well, I certainly will not say you should do them, Lokasenna! LOL
That article resonated with me because I will often distract myself with something I don't have to do, to put off something that, it isn't I don't want to do it, but it may be harder or require more discipline. So much easier to just do something that is quicker and takes less thought :). So that part I will try to remember this month. To remember the bigger things and not look for smaller things to distract me from what I should, and really ultimately, want to be doing and accomplishing. Zen Habits does have a way of kicking me in the behind and making me see what I feel is important.


great article! I like the idea of "simplifying" and getting into some good habits...less of a few things thing summer would do me just fine!! Saying "NO" to my laundry right now:))


lol Delizt

I do multitask when cleaning, or try to, even though that article mentions NOT multitasking. Like while I'm doing a load of laundry, I try to get vacuuming, dusting done, kitchen and bathroom cleaned. Where is it written housework has to take forever? I like fast, quick and easy. Someone once said why clean what doesn't need to be cleaned? And one of the greatest tips I got, when discussing how I dreaded cleaning, a woman I worked with said ANYONE can clean during a commercial (this was in the days of gregular tv and commercials, remember those? lol). But now I think of it as I can put on some music and just clean as long as a song, two songs, an album, lasts. That's one of my ways of simplifying and trying to just do basics so I have time to work on the more important stuff, things I really enjoy, things that make my soul sing, meditation, something creative.....


Im with you GD. I also multi task with cleaning. I am getting a jump start on my laundry by starting it today rather tben tomorrow, and listening to some programs othe net at the same time, as well as preparing dinner. Dinner is in the oven now & so I am "relaxing" & sitting on here, :laugh:.

Generally when I am talking to family or friends onthe phone, I also will dust orclean house in some way. I get my best cleaning done at that timetoo, it seems! :p


Can I say no to work? :p Ah I do like work but I don't. Depends how it is going. I think the "like" work is mostly because I have nice co workers and managers :) I tend to like the theater work to be medium speed, not TOO slow, or too busy, but more towards the slow. Ah well I guess they say stress is okay in way, but I get overly stressed :/

That is a good article, thanks for sharing :) I have that problem of saying no, or yes when I don't mean it, maybe out of fear of disappointing someone, and wanting to please them.

In Cheryl Richardson's book there is a chapter called Let me Dissapoint you, saying no sometimes :)

Course things like at work and stuff you can't say no really.