A recent message ..



Sorry for being a pain!
So a "friend." Of mine just sent me a message, after ignoring me for a few weeks and the message he sent was a little iffy.

I was asking my cards for advice on if I should respond to them, so the question is should I respond to Xx.

I'm using wisdom of the oracle deck .

Two jumpers

Message in a bottle - communication a spontaneous oracle delivered innocently by the speaker, pointing the way to your highest point.

Fork in the road - time to make a decision; considering the consequences as you prepare to act; owning up to your obligations to make a necessary choice.

Main Spread

A change in the wind -
A sense that an unseen change has been initiated; peroration for a storm; awareness that your plans are not on firm ground; feeling a shift; un-certainty about which direction the winds will blow

The tribe -

Community belonging; being seen and understood by others; like minded connections a sense of family and friendship. Knowing your place.

Poised -

Being ready; bringing something to light; being at your best; confidence.

My take ..

I feel the message in the bottle is self explanatory, I feel that suggesting that he's reaching out to contact me in hopes he'd get some contact back, I feel the fork in the road is suggesting that what ever happens next it's my choice. I can't do right or wrong with what choice I make. I feel this is suggesting that lessons will be taught with either choice I make.

I feel that a change in the wind is telling me to take a step back for now to avoid any drama, I feel that it's suggesting what ever happens good will come out of it either way and it's nothing that should be avoided, I need to make a choice. It's up to me if I want to fight for it and have a little struggle, or if I just walk away and keep the peace. The tribe I feel is suggesting something about social needs and feeling as if we belong; I feel that it's suggesting I shouldn't do anything that would make me feel unhappy. I feel the tribe is suggesting that if it doesn't feel right and I have to struggle to be my self then I need to walk away and enjoy the rest of the friends I have now. I feel poised is telling me that it's okay to not want to message back at this moment in time , I feel it suggesting that I need to be happy in myself and the friendship before I should.

Any thoughts?