Book of Thoth Study Group?


So... I've been wondering... How is it that the Thoth Forum ended up with a Book of the Law Study Group and yet does not have a Book of Thoth Study Group!?

I have read that many/most Thoth Tarot readers have read/are reading/would recommend reading the Book of Thoth as a primary source for the Thoth Tarot. Not only would this book be more difficult to read (for some, if not most) due to the age of the text, and the interesting (if not annoying) evolution of the English language and syntax, but also due to Crowley's nature of writing. Some even go so far to say that he was purposefully confusing to 'test' the reader.

What is also interesting to note, is that there are many published books looking to help clarify the Book of Thoth. The most notorious and frequently referenced among this Thoth Forum (among other sources) is, of course, Understanding Aliester Crowley's Thoth Tarot by Lon Milo DuQuette.

Would anybody be interested in a Book of Thoth Study Group being created?
-I know I would! I think it would be terribly interesting to read through Crowley's Thoth, compare what I can to DuQuette's Understanding, and whatever other texts may enlighten certain passages, phrases, etc. I also think it would be good to have other's take on Crowley's texts, either through other sourced-material, or their own personal interpretation of 'Crowlese' (as DuQuette called it)!


WE do ... somewhere .... dont we. Hey G. Where is G when you need him ? :laugh:
Rub that lamp girl!


WE do ... somewhere .... dont we. Hey G. Where is G when you need him ? :laugh:
Rub that lamp girl!

We've done that yeah, but not for an aeon ;) It just needs someone to start it, volunteers feel free to go right ahead :)


''''''I have read that many/most Thoth Tarot readers have read/are reading/would recommend reading the Book of Thoth as a primary source for the Thoth Tarot. Not only would this book be more difficult to read (for some, if not most) due to the age of the text, and the interesting (if not annoying) evolution of the English language and syntax, but also due to Crowley's nature of writing. Some even go so far to say that he was purposefully confusing to 'test' the reader......
It is all too easy to blame the difficulty of the book on the author's style, when the real problem for many readers lies in the heavy use of Alchemical, Qabalistic, Astrological, and other technical elements of the Western Magical Tradition. If a reader does not want to become familiar with that background material, it is only human nature to rationalize and lay the blame on the author rather than their own reluctance to put forth the required effort.


It is all too easy to blame the difficulty of the book on the author's style, when the real problem for many readers lies in the heavy use of Alchemical, Qabalistic, Astrological, and other technical elements of the Western Magical Tradition. If a reader does not want to become familiar with that background material, it is only human nature to rationalize and lay the blame on the author rather than their own reluctance to put forth the required effort.

Honestly, I had no trouble reading it... but I wasn't about to shove it it anyone's face who MAY have had trouble reading it. ;] From many reviews online I see that about half of the people who attempt to read it are very put off for the reasons you mentioned above.

ETA: Also, I was very surprised to discover how easily I was able to read and comprehend most of it, as I wasn't even part-way through the 'Intro to Crowley/Thelema/Golden Dawn' Chapters of DuQuette's Understanding... and I have NO background in Alchemy, and little background in Qabalah and Astrology.

I can see that people are ready and willing to go "straight to the source" and read Crowley's companion for the Thoth Tarot, but not every Tarot reader interested in using/reading with the Thoth Tarot may have interest in Esoteric Studies...

Always Wondering

The old study group links are in the second post on the Table of Contents page. It took me a while to stumble across this little gem myself.

It might be simple to ressurect them with a new question. I will have to take a second look myself.



......I can see that people are ready and willing to go "straight to the source" and read Crowley's companion for the Thoth Tarot, but not every Tarot reader interested in using/reading with the Thoth Tarot may have interest in Esoteric Studies...
If a reader has no interest in the esoteric, they should put The Book of Thoth aside. They are not likely to derive any benefit therefrom.

A random comment on the style: Crowley does wax poetic at times, which many find delightful, while the more practical-minded may think it to be obfuscatory. :rolleyes:

I am curious about how anyone not of an esoteric inclination can stand to use the Thoth deck for divination without finding the symbolism to be too distracting. Yet there are many who do so. If it were me, I would eventually retreat to the more familiar environment of a Rider-Waite clone.


Did this idea fizzle out? I would love to see a Book of Thoth study group. My BoT is in the mail right now... I've heard it's a really hard book to understand, but it seems like fun.