Down to Basics-Focused Energy & Faith


Looking at various rituals, whether they involve something as simple as prayer or lighting a candle, or they are more involved with many aspects to the ritual, I realized it all comes down to this for ME, focused energy and faith. Focusing our energy on what we wish to achieve or happen and faith it will. Whether religious of any type or about us as part of the Universe, it's about focusing and having faith in whatever we believe in, even if that belief is in our ourselves. The ritual, the prayer, the spell, for me, it's just to focus and honor that part of ourselves or whomever we worship. It's what we call upon, what we believe and how strong our confidence and faith. I write most of my own rituals, choose how I do them, because I feel that makes them stronger because they're mine, they mean something personal to me. I was wondering if other ATers feel the same way. Not so much about whether it's important you follow a specific path, religion, or your own eclectic mix. but is it easier for you to follow a certain structured path or to make one of your own in order to focus? ATers?


For me, the whole point of spirituality is to grow and understand myself, to face my inner darkness and either embrace it or change it. As a Thelemite, my focus is on my true will - finding and adhering to the path I am meant to walk in this life. This self-knowledge is for me the cornerstone of any magickal working I might do. I believe that if you don't know yourself and can't make changes in yourself to be the person you are supposed to be, you will never be able to do any effective magickal change of any other kind. I used to think ritual required the right candles, the right herbs, the right tools . . they all seem so silly to me now. What matters is one's own personal power and ability to raise, direct, and focus energy. If tools help, then all the better, but I don't see that they are required. Of course, everyone has their own take on this. This just happens to be mine.


I agree Saker

"Tools" are just ways to help focus energy. I don't believe they are an end unto themselves. If something helps you focus an intention, great, but for me, the tool isn't the magic. Meditation I find a great help. We are sensory creatures, sometimes anything from scent (incense for example), touch (cord or knot spells), sound, visuals....whatever works for us, works for us. But without the energy and intention...the rest seems like just props.


I follow a structured path, a specific Tradition. It is a religion, in the true sense of the word. However, within that very structured Tradition there is complete freedom to do as I please. So when it comes to working to achieve certain ends, then I will use whatever I think will work the best. The method is not important. It is the understandings behind what I am doing that matter, and that determine the outcome.


The method is not important. It is the understandings behind what I am doing that matter, and that determine the outcome.

Yes, to an extent, this is how it feels to me too.

As far as the tools or things we use just being props, that depends on tradition and belief. What is matter? What makes sub-atomic particles come together to make a tree or a rock, bone or skin, grass or water? Something, some kind of essence or energy is inherent in everything so when we hold the bone of an animal, some part of what that animal is lies there in our hands. It is more than mere correspondence or an aid-memoir!

So when you say down to basics - focused energy and faith, yes, it is more than our mental machinations and deeper, touching upon the connections and interconnectedness of all things.


I wouldn't say that the method isn't important, but rather that there are many methods existing. One thing, however, that seems to be common to all faiths is the element of discipline and understanding of the symbols and doctrines used. Constant pondering and implementation is needed; there are no shortcuts. Discipline in committing yourself to the Great Work, doing your Will and nothing but.

However, the props can be just as important, as human psyche is limited, and can only envision the infinite in very limited terms. Any sort of focusing tool, be it a symbol or a meditation mantra are in many ways essential (this, by the way, is why I don't "hold" with purely intuitive Tarot reading; what it is Tarot but pondering life itself? Without that element it is, as the Crowley so aptly put it, "merely fortunetelling."). We don't know everything, and symbols and discipline a really another way of saying "humility." No one is "naturally enlightened," it takes work, at times backbreaking work.


Not so much about whether it's important you follow a specific path, religion, or your own eclectic mix. but is it easier for you to follow a certain structured path or to make one of your own in order to focus? ATers?

In some ways, I do find it easier to follow a specific path. I was born and raised a Catholic, though the older I get, the more I am finding myself moving away from the faith-as far as practicing as "a good Catholic". I rarely attend Mass anymore for various reasons, can't remember when I last went to confess my sins, etc. however, certain traditions within the faith really have become a part of me and I still practice them.

I meditate on the rosary daily. I love the rosary and I have tons of rosaries all over my house and in my purse and always one on my person, and one in the car. :laugh: they just make me feel whole. I also do novenas. However, I also incorporate other things into my daily routine.

I do try to meditate daily by just sitting still and doing nothing. I also often will recite a mantra--some that I've found in books or one that I made up. I listen to a chakra meditation dvd every night while falling to sleep and I try to also 'clean' (for lack of a better term) my chakras once in awhile. Growing up Catholic, I never even HEARD of a chakra before! :laugh: Sometimes, when I meditate, I'll listen to chanting dvds as well. So, I guess I would classify myself as having an eclectic mix of things going on.

I don't get into the candles so much anymore- or burning of herbs either, however, at times I will use 'props' or 'tools' to help myself in my meditations. the dvds mentioned above are a few I use, and sometimes I like to gaze into a crystal that I will hold, or the statues that I have of Saints and the Blessed Mother and Jesus. For me, sometimes these props help--even the tarot cards--can help me to focus on what it is I want to do and keep the focus. There is no wrong way, as long as the intent is a positive one, in my humble opinion.


Thank you all for sharing what works for you

I certainly hope no one thought I was denigrating the use of tools, I think they can be integral. I am merely suggesting that without our energy, our intention, they cannot do as much good. I have seen people on both sides, ones following a traditional path that works so well for them, and ones who just follow blindly, just go through the motions, I have seen people who follow their own path and that works for them, and others who have their own path but seem lost. I know how intune with our with ourselves, our own focus and faith, whatever else we bring to the table, matters, no matter what we do or how we choose to live our life. Whatever path we choose, as long as it helps us be the person we wish to be, helps us grow, then it must be working for us! :) Here's to whatever we do, wherever we go, and all our paths!


I certainly hope no one thought I was denigrating the use of tools, I think they can be integral.

no, not at all. at least, I never thought that.

I am merely suggesting that without our energy, our intention, they cannot do as much good. I have seen people on both sides, ones following a traditional path that works so well for them, and ones who just follow blindly, just go through the motions, I have seen people who follow their own path and that works for them, and others who have their own path but seem lost. I know how intune with our with ourselves, our own focus and faith, whatever else we bring to the table, matters, no matter what we do or how we choose to live our life.

Whatever path we choose, as long as it helps us be the person we wish to be, helps us grow, then it must be working for us! :) Here's to whatever we do, wherever we go, and all our paths!
AMEN! :) this is a great few sentences, GD! and I'll drink to that! :CL



I certainly didn't think you were denigrating the use of tools greatdane, not at all. There are different opinions as to what role certain things (tools or representative objects) play in our regular spiritual practice. So when you say:

"Tools" are just ways to help focus energy. I don't believe they are an end unto themselves. . . . But without the energy and intention...the rest seems like just props.

Some may argue that a particular, large or special crystal, a stone circle, grove of trees, animal antler or old and sacred artefact has it's own energy outside our focus or intent. One woman I know had deep trance experiences after picking up an old and sacred staff in a Mongolian museum.

So it's not so much the use of tools object or props, what the may represent to us or even the intention and focus we can achieve with them but the 'life', presence or energy that these objects themselves can hold that is equally important.

Those who are sensitive to psychometry will attest to how vibration and energy can accumulate in objects, this is also true for natural objects which once belonged to an animal or a certain place in nature.

It's just a difference of opinion that's all.