Emotional/Mood Management Reading


Hello fellow readers!

Have spent some time away from Tarot and here on Aeclectic due to life happenings, but consulted the cards for some guidance on honing my intuition (distinct, of course, from medical advice) on emotional and mood management, specifically dealing with episodes of anxiety and depression and also just in general what practices I can take to manage not only my mood, but overall self.

My general reading model is to draw three pairs of cards (the idea that the cards in a pair speak to the same message or energy, or related energies) while also pulling the bottom card from the deck as overall energy. My reading, using the Fountain Tarot, is as follows:

Four of Pentacles/Ten of Wands
The Star/Four of Wands
Nine of Pentacles/Knight of Cups

Overall: Knight of Wands

When I consider my own interpretation of the cards, I get both messages that make sense to where I currently am and to advice moving forward.

The Four of Pentacles was an interesting card to pull from the top of the deck because I don't traditionally think of it as a card speaking to emotions, being an earthy Pentacles card, but when I think of it as a card speaking to holding on to what I have, it makes sense as I think about wanting more security emotionally speaking--not liking the fluctuations of anxiety and depression, and its pairing with the Ten of Wands speaks to this being a heavy load to carry, but also that this instability is quite likely to complete itself with appropriate action as a ten. As this pairing was the most mystifying to me, can anyone offer any advice specifically for these cards?

The Star, as is true I'm sure for most of us, is a card I always like to see, and coming after the Ten of Wands tells me that my wish for the burden to end is not only valid, but likely to come to true. Another four appearing, this time the Four of Wands, tells me that there may be an unexpected clarity that comes and that there may be more structure and stability that I may believe I have at present.

The third pairing, which I feel speaks to outcomes in most cases, offers me more "light at the end of the tunnel" so to speak. The Nine of Pentacles (Coins in TFT, incidentally) is one that I know speaks to goal achievement and happiness achieved through hard work and determination, in which I definitely see a lot of value and frankly just makes sense. The Knight of Cups I feel represents me (though I feel the Knight of Swords is generally more my significator, but that's a sidebar--the emotional watery, mercurial messenger trying to figure everything out, and paired with that 9 of Pentacles speaks that I will get to a more solid places, as to the previous fours.

The Knight of Wands as overall energy I feel is more cautionary advice than anything--not to act rashly as this knight may be prone to do, to be measured and contemplative, but also to be unafraid to access unbridled joy in approaching this emotional energy issue.

I, of course, appreciate any and all responses, and will be as prompt as possible in feedback,
