his fears and final relationship outcome


ok I made this spread and I am trying to understand these two parts(his fears and relationship outcome)I went out more than once with this guy on 2015 who was my classmate in college in 2012 . anyway he ended up telling after few dates he doesnt want any relationship with anybody he wants to be alone and just have fun..well we ended up argueing down the road because I wanted more.anyway..he dissapeared and stop talking to me for almost the entire year 2016 after we have been argueing about me wanting more..on October last year 2016 he texted me out of nowhere but left me hanging and never met up.we argued again multiple times.so we reconnected again and saw each other a month ago..he was passing though hard time and asked me to see him. so I did.he changed he was so open and so sweet..I was impressed how he opened his heart. But last week he started going back to responding late or like a day after and he hasnt text me back the entire weekend so I started feeling he is going to dissapear. I just sent him a message lastnight telling him how I felt and that I started being emotional again and I thought it was better to stop having any sex or talk because I dnt want to get hurt again by him..he hasn't respond.He saw my message I know that.but He is quiet. now My spread was:

*His thoughts/feelings:9 of cups/four of cups(he thinks he has it all with me but he cant give what I ask for..a relationship)
*Where are we standing on: Justice + Temperance (finding truth and balance,being catious)
*His wishes and desires: page of swords/three of pentacles(desire to hear or speak the truth in a tactic way to work together or build a foundation in this relationship)
*His resolution or action to be taken with respect to our situation right now: Ace of wands + ace of summer (he wants to rekindle and start over, open his heart,get closer more intimate)
*His fears: hanged man + strenght(He is afraid that his world will be upside down with this relationship and this relationship could be weak or overpower him)
* Outcome : Hierophant+Page of pentacles= we are not going to move at any fast pace for now, delays..but hmm is it that we are not going to end up in any serious relationship or we are just in process of learning a lesson..learning more about each other.
Can anyone help me to decipher the Outcome and Near future. I'm getting a bit confused with how to interpret these last 4 cards.


Near Future ‒ You've been trying to balance your desire for a relationship with a man who isn't interested in one (2P). It's like trying to get blood from a stone. He's only interested in sex, which isn't healthy for you to keep giving him (Devil).

Outcome ‒ If a man isn't interested in a committed relationship (Hierophant) and you are, you have no choice but to move on and start again (PP).


yes I think that make total sense, because I was confused but I can see a better picture of it thanks Sentient! yes he is just focused in sex..He apparently changed completely he was like acting very sweet and was completely open like he has not been ever before, he was down and asked me to go to see him but I started feeling he was going back to his old person since he got out of his preocupations/stress last week..


I see some of these a bit differently

*His thoughts/feelings:9 of cups/four of cups - He has no idea what he wants essentially. I usually see Nine of Cups as a day dream card and it mixing with a card that seems focused on apathy feels a bit like he's not able to actually get a good understanding of what it is he's hoping to have.

*His wishes and desires: page of swords/three of pentacles - It may be that he's looking for other people to do the work in his connections with them. Page of Swords and Three of Pentacles are ill-dignified, so rather than be open to learning, the Page is likely very stubborn and apprehensive over doing his part in developing a new project (three of Pentacles)

*His resolution or action to be taken with respect to our situation right now: Ace of wands + ace of summer - He'll likely keep blowing hot and cold on you as he feels like it.

*His fears: hanged man + strength - That he'll be forced to face the situations before him and the role he's played in them. The Hanged Man is a card of reflection, and Strength is as much about cooperation and understanding as it is about control and power.

*Near future of our relationship: TWO OF PENTACLES + DEVIL CARD - It seems like things will likely continue as they are - the two of you flitting back and forth and remaining heavily attached, refusing to make a decision to completely part ways or stay together.

* Outcome : Hierophant+Page of pentacles= There's going to be a very big need to get a better understanding of what you want. There'll be a big emphasis on what stability actually means, and likely one or both of you taking a very stern look at what it is that you're committing and dedicating yourself to. This Page here is a lot more open and willing to learn from the incredibly wise Hierophant. So it's also possible that someone (likely you) will step up and play the leader, creating clear guidelines and rules to be followed if the Page has any interest and investment in growth.


@obey gravity.. yes! this make very good sense to me..everything u said..actually I always though about hierophant like learning something trying to understand people/situation..and actually I just walked away wtiting him a letter telling him firmly that I could not do this anymore.and He has not respond to me. and yes The devil I did see it the same way.like it was hard to let go..on and off..not being able to make decisions..and the four of cups is like no taking the cup of love Im offering him..like he is just distracted not knowing what he wants and maybe by me telling him that I loved him even though I decided to write him that I wasnt going to continue..it kind of like was like a dream come true for him (that I loved him)but He isnt willing to give me what I ask for(relationship) because as u said he does not know what he wants.
His resolution ..I love your interpretation here! yes cold and hot! sounds very on point..and when you talk about his wishes and desires; Im not quiet understanding what do you mean "It may be that he's looking for other people to do the work in his connections with them" What I understand is that He is just waiting for everyone else to do the job for him so he does not have to put any effort in any relationship?