locating antique tarot cards


i am still reading and studying the history of tarot decks. does anyone know where antique decks can be found, viewed and or purchased????

humbly yours ,


Some time ago I embarked on assembling a (fairly?) representative collection of facsimile historic decks corresponding to the MAJOR groupings discussed on: http://www.tarothermit.com/ I would imagine if you wanted the real thing, they would be expensive, unavailable and you'd be in competition with national museums! ;)

Lo Scarabeo's historic decks are cheap 'n' cheerful and more than adequate for ME - (No denigration of LoS implied at all!) Moreover, they are sold by most online stores. Having now completed the base collection, I could go to more specialist suppliers for some more uhm... specialist decks. E.g. Meneghello make a more historically accurate Mantegna deck(?) - B/W lines only, rather than colours and silver foil background etc. I guess it's down to how accurate you want to be... or how rich you are? :)



A wonderful Brazilian site which also gives good links to historical decks is the neinaiff site... the link is in English :)


A few suggestions

To purchase comes in various flavors. If you decide to become a historic collector, I would start with Stuart Kaplan's Encyclopedia of the Tarot, Volume II for various samples of many historic decks.

By all means, check out Tom Tadforlittle and Andy's Playing card sites online to learn about various reproductions.

Over time, you can browse collections at Alidastore.com, see if you find one or two titles in Kapan's Encyclopedia or you can post the title in the search engine of Tarotgarden.com. If you can wait a week or two, compare the cost on Tarotgarden.com or Alidastore.com to see what the reproduction would cost.

Alternative listings might be Amazon.com or Trigono.com for the titles. Over time you'll find out what you like and hopefully, it will be one of those nice areas that you can revisit periodically.

Mari H.


Some of the specialist antique playing card sellers also sell tarot. I did find one on the net who was located in Germany, but I'm afraid I didn't keep the URL. It should be findable on Google. As others have said, the problem is the cost of the real antique decks - very high.

We do get a few very old Czech, Austrian and German taroky decks turning up here in Prague (generally not older than the 1940s, so not really antique), but they really are very specialist interest - not as mainstream as a French or Italian deck would be. The only reason these decks turn up is that there is not that much awarenss of them here. I suppose that may change.

Best of luck - I hope you find a good source.