New to playing cards ..



I asked how my romance life would develop this month, I got the following.

King of clubs ♣️, two of spades ♠️, six of spades ♠️ and 10 of hearts ❤️.

I feel this is suggesting that theirs a man in my life already, that I'm not quite paying attention to romantically speaking. I feel at the moment their a very good friend who will be there for me no matter what, I feel this is suggesting it's going to take some work and effort but small changes will be made in this friendship over the next month. I feel maybe theirs been a bit of a break, or they've had a break up but things will dramatically change when they do no matter how big or small. I feel this is suggesting to me that no matter what the change is, big or small a positive out come will happen towards the end.

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This looks less like playing cards and more like Lenormand?


This looks less like playing cards and more like Lenormand?

Gypsy witch oracle, I use them as playing cards.

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