Oversized Decks


Before the unfortunate breakdown of the site, I posted a question about where I could find some oversized decks. I would like to do readings for other people and I think that the oversized deks are more impressive than the regular decks that I already have. Please e-mail me or leave me a message if you know the names of any oversized decks and some web sites that I can view them. My e-mail adress is "moviegrl@yahoo.com". Thankyou.


The Astrology Center of America site is great for providing measurements and sample cards from many tarot decks, as well as ordering the decks. See:

Some oversized decks that I know of (size in inches):
- Aleister Crowley Thoth (3.75 x 5.5) (also comes in small size 2.75 x 4.35)
- Light & Shadow (4.25 x 5.5)
- Rohrig (3.6 x 6.5)
- Motherpeace (4.5 round)

You might find shuffling the larger decks to be somewhat difficult. I frequently use the Thoth deck, and it has taken me a while to get good at shuffling them without the cards jamming or falling all over the place. The larger image really makes an impact in readings and contemplations.


The Goddess Tarot is not only oversize, it is also breathtaking in its beauty. I have a bit of trouble reading for others with it because the Higher Arcana is made up of Goddesses and their "Claim to Fame". If you can click with it, it is a very peaceful and healing deck.


As mentioned earlier, the Rohrig Tarot is a good oversized deck, and if you're interested in an oversized version of the Rider-Waite, you can find it at www. usgamesinc.com.
Lots of love,


here are some other larger decks:

sacred circle
celtic wisdom
inner child
daughters of the moon
wheel of change
songs for the journey home
giger (majors only)
lover's (majors only)