Pop culture reference (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)


This may damage my newbie reputation ... but ...

I have seen passing glimpses of the Tarot used by the Willow character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and was wondering anyone knew which deck it was?


Woah! Stop a sec: What episode was this in?after Joyce dies? I'm in the UK, and don't have Sky, so I've just seen up to the part after Joyce's funeral.... I've gotta see Willow use the Tarot cards! *Kiama suddenly stops, looks round, and goes very red* Um... This is gonna ruin my reputation, isnt it?

Kiama ;p


Oops. - gotta be careful, no spoilers -
It is a passing shot of magic paraphernalia, we don't get to see her using them. :(

It is about episode four (?) show in season 6.


Wow, folks. I love BtVS and don't miss an epi. I hate the current replays and am anxiously awaiting Jan 29. Without going waaaaaaay OT here about possible "big bads" this season and the whole *other* situation Buffy has gotten herself into...(sorry Kiama, I admit I am just trying to whet your appetite for season 6...it's slow going at first, but hang in there & trust Joss!!)

Willow has been shown using the cards in more then one epi, and going back to at least season 4, when she started uni. They seem to be a basic Rider clone, but the cards have never been shown in much detail - and come to think of it, if Willow uses them seriously for her magic work, she must have a vastly different ritual then I do - loud music, general conversations....it seems to me that Tara is the one more "into" the cards....

And damn the reputation! Tarot readers and intellectuals are allowed a little fun!

I am a loud & proud Buffy fan!

Bored now....


Seek and ye shall find.
I know that the deck I saw most recently on BtVS was not RW, but I found a sight that lists shows where the tarot have appeared and tries to identify the deck, the cards, and the situation.

They list one appearance of RW on Buffy, and two unnamed oracle decks.


Tis a silly obsession, but it is mine.

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
- Thurber