Positive cards with death...new beginning?


Hi :)

I am still really struggling with death when it shows up as a clarifier for a positive card, I have no idea why!

I was doing past, present, future spread about a guy I still have feelings for, we were never in a serious relationship, but I still see him as the 'one that got away' and still feel a strange connection to him. The question was 'What does he want from me romatically?' The present position has confused the hell out of me.

It was 2 of cups, clarified by death and the 10 of cups.
I'm terrible at reading for myself because I always want to look on the bright side. My first thought was he wants a new relationship beginning with me, because we could have a happy future, but i'm still stuck on death being there.

Am I being too optimistic? Does he want the connection to be 'dead' so he can be happy.

Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thank you :)

Edit; full reading below:
Past: King of Swords rx, clarified by 3 of Swords
He didn't have any romantic feelings for me and was actually quite mean because I hurt him.
Present: 2 of cups was the present position clarified by Death and the 10 of Cups
Possibly a new start, or the end and a new beginning for him being happy.
Future: King of Pentacles clarified by the Ace of Swords and The Fool rx.
He wants stability and perhaps to reconnect but he is maybe looking for someone else.

Sasha fierce 90210

the death card for me depending on the position it's in is always tricky for me however, let's try to crack your case.... I wonder why death is in your present position when you asked the question " what does he want from me romantically. 2 of cups could mean romance or friendship , then the death card ??? Could mean new beginnings, something has to die to make way for the 10 of cups right.

What is the status of you guys realtionship ?, does he have somebody else ??, is he distracted with work, school etc. You have a lot of cups in the reading which signifies that you guys have some kind of feelings for each other. If you don't mind me asking what was the future spread for you two ?


the death card for me depending on the position it's in is always tricky for me however, let's try to crack your case.... I wonder why death is in your present position when you asked the question " what does he want from me romantically. 2 of cups could mean romance or friendship , then the death card ??? Could mean new beginnings, something has to die to make way for the 10 of cups right.

What is the status of you guys realtionship ?, does he have somebody else ??, is he distracted with work, school etc. You have a lot of cups in the reading which signifies that you guys have some kind of feelings for each other. If you don't mind me asking what was the future spread for you two ?

Thanks Sasha, the two of cups was the present position clarified by death and the 10 of cups. I hopefully thought this meant a new beginning but death always speaks to me in a negative way and I just see it as an end. The past position was the king of swords reversed clarified by the three of swords, yes, I hurt him (not intentionally) and he won't forgive me, he simply cut me dead in a very 'king of swords' way. He hasn't spoken to me in a month and refuses to answer my calls. The future position was the king of pentacles clarified by the ace of swords and the fool reversed. Perhaps he wants us to reconnect on a more stable footing, but thinks it would be foolish.

I've always drawn a lot of cups in readings for him, which makes it soooooo much harder because I didn't realise until after we'd parted that I actually was in love with him :(


I'm going to go against the 'death is a negative card' grain here, because death always means an ending to me, but it also signifies a rebirth. For me, this spread would read that one or both of you or your relationship in general needs to change before you can go from that relatively shallow 2 Cups connection to the much deeper 10 Cups established romance and family. Death is usually an inevitable but necessary change, one that comes whether you really want it to or not. It's often painful, but also often for the best. In this case, I would see it as something like an event that would lead to one or both of you 'growing up' emotionally and becoming ready for something like a serious romantic relationship.


Moderator note

Hi Pure_Moonshine,

Please take a minute to read through the posting rules - there's a link at the top of the page or here: Your Readings Posting Rules,

Your Readings is for complete readings only and it really helps others to help you if you are as clear as possible.For clarity for anyone replying you've got:

Past: King of Swords rx, clarified by 3 of Swords
Present: 2 of cups was the present position clarified by Death and the 10 of Cups.
Future: King of Pentacles clarified by the Ace of Swords and The Fool rx.

Could you please link your interpretation to each card before you get any more replies?
We ask people to interpret each card and for no overview interpretations.. That makes sure that you don't miss any out.

One reply is hidden and will be put back when you've done that.

Could everyone else please wait?

Sulis - moderator


Hi Pure_Moonshine,

Please take a minute to read through the posting rules - there's a link at the top of the page or here: Your Readings Posting Rules,

Your Readings is for complete readings only and it really helps others to help you if you are as clear as possible.For clarity for anyone replying you've got:

Past: King of Swords rx, clarified by 3 of Swords
Present: 2 of cups was the present position clarified by Death and the 10 of Cups.
Future: King of Pentacles clarified by the Ace of Swords and The Fool rx.

Could you please link your interpretation to each card before you get any more replies?
We ask people to interpret each card and for no overview interpretations.. That makes sure that you don't miss any out.

One reply is hidden and will be put back when you've done that.

Could everyone else please wait?

Sulis - moderator

I'm so sorry, I didn't realise. I will edit my post now.


Thanks, I've put barefootlife's post back in the thread :)