Presidential Inauguration


This will be the last installment in my 2016 election readings. Rather than making the focus personal (that is, solely on Trump), I asked what the circumstances and larger import of his inauguration will be. Barring some spontaneous act of violence or insurrection, I didn't see anything in the spread suggesting it won't happen. I see the Coffin at the center, preceded by the Tower and followed by the Ship, as more about a political "sea change" in government than a personal threat.

Storks + Tower + Coffin + Ship + Whips

This is the second reading I've done in this area where the Whips appeared as the final card in the spread (the first was my pre-election GT), so I'll spend some time analyzing it. But first:

Storks + Tower = change of government

Tower + Coffin = the end of a governmental era (in this case, an 8-year-long administration)

Coffin + Ship = moving on (somewhat uncertainly) from a loss

Ship + Whips = a troubled journey; a very active journey (e.g. off-road biking)

I had to laugh at that last one, since the prospects for the incoming administration couldn't get much more "off-road" than what we're likely to see in the next few months.

Storks + Tower looks like a perfect fit. I won't go so far as to see anything "positive" in it (although Storks is one of the positive-neutral cards); this looks more factual than dramatic.

Tower + Coffin looks fairly transparent as well; the "Old Guard" is finished. ("Whatever falls immediately before the Coffin is set to end . . ." - Lenormand, 36 cards) Some see it as devastation, others as relief, but it's just another fact of life in American governance.

Coffin + Ship suggests moving on from something that has ended. Taken as "enterprise" and not "travel," I could see it as the "ship of state" being taken into uncharted waters, the old maps having been tossed overboard. The above quote about the Coffin ends with ". . . and often the card that follows it is somewhat diminished or becomes 'sickly.'"

Ship + Whips looks like a very unsettled scenario. Andy Boroveshengra says "The root of the unrest is often described by the cards immediately touching the Rod (Whips)." Here, that would be the occasion of handing over the helm of the Ship to Donald Trump. Andy also says "Extra care should be paid to the Rod when it's in the vicinity of the Tree, Coffin or High Tower (two of which appear in this short spread) because the querent (here the "subject") could suffer a sudden period of ill health." This may be the last unspent arrow in the Democratic quiver, and I suspect there are many who would applaud it as balm for injured feelings, but it's an alien concept to American "due process." On the other hand, some time ago ISIS promised to attack the inauguration in some way.

The Whips at the end suggests that not only is Trump being handed the reins, but also the lash to keep the beast in line (possibly represented by a sympathetic Republican Congress).


Andy also says "Extra care should be paid to the Rod when it's in the vicinity of the Tree, Coffin or High Tower (two of which appear in this short spread) because the querent (here the "subject") could suffer a sudden period of ill health."

I don't see this as surprising. He doesn't look all that well to me (especially if he eats at his own restau!) He seems on the verge of going gaga, quite frankly, like his father before him; and he is after all 70 years old, and has just come off a year-long road of excessive travel and debate and haranguing the public (and Tweeting very late at night) and being super defensive and stressed out, and being a candidate, as well as, later, a president elect.

It doesn't need the extremism of ISIS attacks to make him subject to some random health problem, based on all of that. He doesn't strike me as a man with the constitution of a large and healthy beast. (in fact, that yellowy-orange colouring of his makes me wonder about his liver, let alone the long-range consequences of frequenting tanning salons).


I didn't think about the possibility of natural death or incapacity (I was choosing my words carefully). But then we would automatically get Pence, whom many people think is even more appalling than Trump for his rigid conservative views. Trump may be the lesser of two evils in that case, although Pence is less the showman and more the career politician.