Reiki Practitioners! How do you use reiki without hand positions?


So I usually start using Reiki with gassho before putting my hands on my body. But sometimes I need to use Reiki when its not pracitcal to use gassho or hand positions. I tend to suffer from sciatica when I drive long distances, so would like to use reiki in the car, but can't put my hands on myself. Does anyone have any techniques for using reiki without hand positions? How do you activate the Reiki?

Any help would be appreciated!!


I've found that the intent to activate the different symbols is all that is really necessary for me. As for lying my hands on an area, I just activate the distant healing symbol as well and visualize it going to my whole body (or that of the person I'm sending it to). For me the whole process is pretty much just intent driven.


You can visualise the symbols in that area.. or just say a prayer to Reiki that you want it to flow to that area.
Sometimes if I know I am going to do something that I will need Reiki to help me through I will spend a few mins in Gassho to tune in, and ask Reiki to flow when I need it to - sort of like an advance treatment, but it usually does the trick.

With Reiki its all about intention and focus :)


Thanks for the responses guys! I've done a bit of the visualizing the symboly over the area, but I've actually found chiropractic and massage therapy has helped me leaps and bounds! I still use the reiki when I need it, but the massages have brought so much relief.