Sabian Symbols Study Group: Leo 13 - #133


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: LEO
Degree: 13
Number: 133



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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Oh my! So much can be seen with this symbol! :lightbulb To understand its depth and breadth I started looking at where I’ve seen this symbol in everyday life.

My daughter was a colic baby. The only thing that soothed her was the rocking chair or the continual motion of a baby swing. In the process of rocking, we actually broke the springs of two rocking chairs. The last one to exist, old and shabby, she still rock on in her room. The rocking chair soothed and detached her from her pain.

I also saw my father in this symbol, :( unable to cope with the turbulence of life, his brain silenced by Alzheimer’s. He lived in his own little world with no knowledge of present time. I remember when I used to visit the ‘old folks home’, I’d sit and listen to the many old stories…..stories that started with “When I was”, “In the past”, “I used to”. They were really incredible to hear!! I watched their eyes comes to life…they’d pull close so I could hear!! Their travels remembered….now a voyage to their souls.

When we contemplate something, e.g., a sabian symbol….our minds are drawn inward. It’s as if our curiosity starts us rocking (a gravitational pull?) to get the lower fire burning. In that calm, all the knowledge that we’ve gathered and accumulated is brought to life, coupled with our intuition and passion…..becomes fuel for the brain…..that turns like a weather vane…or rocks to and fro.

I bet this old sea captain spent years traveling the unpredictable sea, and learned the gift of self control. He was full of confidence, courage, hope and new beginnings. When waves were bearing down on his life, he appeared to others, at ease and surprisingly calm. He learned how to hold himself together in the greatest storms!!

In purple_scorp’s picture of this old sea captain, she also placed a book. Hmm, can he magically weave words, entertaining us with one story after another. His well read words, are full of passion, charm, and very hypnotic! Perhaps this is his time to reminisce about the past, to read, to grow and continue developing. I wonder if his soul has always been interested in doing things, ooh like anthropology, even poetry and most probably history. Sometimes all it takes is a thought or an idea to give us a new perspective to pull our docked ship back out to sea.

But if we stop believing that we always need to keep learning and understanding….we could close our eyes to many opportunities. Eventually we become static and isolated, living in a world we don’t want to change. We start to theorize too much…looking only at the things we understand. Hmm could this also be a fear of old age?

Retirement: is leaving something so we can move on to something else. We can now chart a course through the 'perfect storm'.

tink :love:


An old sea captain......bored.....longing to be back on the he sits on his verandah/porch and stares across to the ocean.....bored.....and wanting to relive the past, bored.....he opens his sea journal (log) and starts to reminisce the days gone by. For a brief moment, he is caught up in the magic of his younger years. Does it quench his thirst - this attempt to recapture his past? Probably not.

I don't know why, but this symbol reminds me of the Elvis Costello music video clip for his song, Veronica. He wrote the song about his grandmother, and the film clip is based in an old people's home. During the clip, we see flashes of her life and all the while, she sits there, vacant, almost in a daze. At the end of the clip, Elvis recounts his visits as she has obviously passed away.

It's probably your description of visiting your father, tink, that made me think of this film clip. But I can see the connection.

with love


Leo 13
Birthdays: August 4th–6th
Numerology: 133
Sabian Symbol: An old sea captain rocking
Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Retrospect
Jane Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point: Right ventricle of the heart
Crystal Element: Paua Shell
Expression: Paua Shell is a colourful, iridescent variety of abalone shell. Paua Shells enhance truth and prophesy skills; they contains the wisdom of the ocean.
Message: Gentle, silent reflection; reminiscences.
Sun Focus: You can digest thoughts, impressions and events accurately and nostalgically; you have rich life experience.
Affirmation: I happily share wisdom when I recount personal memories.