Spiritual Retreat


I am tired. Spiritually, Emotionally, and Physically at the moment. During lunchtime at work today, I decided that it was time to plan a spiritual retreat for myself.

I am hoping to save a couple of days off from work to make it a four day weekend. I would like to take some books, Tarot deck, notebook, Runes, and just chill and commune with the Gods, sleep if needed etc.

Have any of you planned a mini-retreat for yourself? If so, what did you do? Where did you go?

I was thinking of checking into a hotel to get away from it all but I am always open to new ideas and to hear if anyone else did something special for themselves.

Please share. All ideas are welcome! :)



That sounds like a wonderful idea! I would love to do something like that. There are times when the noise and clutter gets to me and all I want is peace and quiet. And that usually comes with solitude.


it does sound heavenly, Lewen and I hope you DO do this! I was going to do this on Monday last. but, didn't. :( figured, "well Tuesday". but here we are and didn't. :( :p perhaps when I'm on the cruise. we have two full days on the ocean. those days I always find very relaxing and meditative. dare I hope???


Funnily enough this was the kind of thing we were talking about last night. We considered the time of darkess and why we bring light, light candles etc, the need to slow down, the need for the darkness etc.

One of the big things that everyone agreed upon was how in our current culture, we tend to speed up during the winter, going against the natural flow of things. Instead of being able to naturally slow down, sit, contemplate, read, sleep and generally replenish ourselves, we seem to hit a frenzy of activity when the rest of nature is taking a break.

The other big thing was feeling guilty for taking vital time out to 'recover' ourselves. No amount of rationalising seems to help but to get over this guilt trip, something else seems to happen on a deeper, sub-conscious level (often bringing us to crisis point before we do!)

A stay away in a hotel could be just the ticket, mind you, the choice of hotel could be vital. If there is a Buddhist retreat centre anywhere near you, they often open their doors to all faiths and the combination of peace, quiet and acceptance is lovely.


Do do it. It is a gift to your inner self in so many different ways.

But. You have to leave phone, ipad, computer, yadayada at home. Otherwise you are still doing the things that give you no time to yourself.


This sounds like heaven to me, but I agree with all AJ suggested about leaving the technology at home. I don't have the $ to go on an expensive retreat, but I think I could swing something simple. I would look into the state or national parks nearby, and see what kind of facilities I could find. I don't think this particular kind of retreat would be like camping out, because I would want to REST, and I would want a bed to do it in.:p I would need some nature trails, a pond or creek, or something natural that would be near to do a walk-about every day. I would take a journal to write in (daily thoughts, epiphanies, or dreams) as well as some simple art supplies, such as colored pencils and a sketchpad. Maybe try drawing some mandalas of my life if I felt like it. I would need a physical outlet, so I would probably take a yoga mat (unless I was taking really long walks every day). I would take something inspirational to read - poetry, sacred writings, etc. - as well as a tarot and oracle deck. I would set aside some time to meditate every day, if only for 15 minutes. I would find a leaf, rock, pinecone, feather, etc. every day (I wouldn't actually have to bring it with me) and ponder what it had to teach me. I would make a gratitude list. I would find something beautiful to peruse - a magazine, book, etc. with gorgeous pictures - in case the weather was inclement. I would take naps and not feel guilty about it. :D
Lewen, I do hope you'll go on your personal retreat then tell those of us who are still dreaming about such all about it!:heart:


if you go to a hotel, try to find one with a jacuzzi inside. :p truly though! htere is NOTHING like a nice jacuzzi to warm your soul and relax you. Maybe, if you can swing it too-a massage somewhere. My friend had a massage and had a great spiritual contact with her deceased family members that she will always treasure.

Do do it. It is a gift to your inner self in so many different ways.

But. You have to leave phone, ipad, computer, yadayada at home. Otherwise you are still doing the things that give you no time to yourself.

oh yes. wise advice.

I would need some nature trails, a pond or creek, or something natural that would be near to do a walk-about every day. I would take a journal to write in (daily thoughts, epiphanies, or dreams) as well as some simple art supplies, such as colored pencils and a sketchpad. Maybe try drawing some mandalas of my life if I felt like it. I would need a physical outlet, so I would probably take a yoga mat (unless I was taking really long walks every day). I would take something inspirational to read - poetry, sacred writings, etc. - as well as a tarot and oracle deck. I would set aside some time to meditate every day, if only for 15 minutes. I would find a leaf, rock, pinecone, feather, etc. every day (I wouldn't actually have to bring it with me) and ponder what it had to teach me. I would make a gratitude list. I would find something beautiful to peruse - a magazine, book, etc. with gorgeous pictures - in case the weather was inclement. I would take naps and not feel guilty about it. :D
Lewen, I do hope you'll go on your personal retreat then tell those of us who are still dreaming about such all about it!:heart:

oh yes, all of this is good advice here too! I'd also take a bag with me to collect any thing from nature that you may find, if you're to go to a nature site. and if you have to take anything electronic, a dvd player and some dvds with meditations on it. but, be good and only listen to them!!!

and most definitely a tarot deck and perhaps book too. some spiritual book maybe? Don't forget Bed & Breakfasts too. Sometimes they are the same price or even cheaper then a hotel! And, they often will have delightful little gardens where you can sit.


On Friday I'm heading off on my first meditation retreat. I found out about it from a fairly powerful documentary titled "The Dharma Brothers": it's called Vipassana meditation. I know three people who've undertaken the beginner's 10-day silent meditation, and at least one of those people repeatedly returns for three-day sits and to help facilitate; so I'm trusting that this will work out well, whatever happens. Apparently it's donation only, and those are only gathered at the end of the sit if participants feel that they've gotten something out of it.


So, if all goes as planned, this will be my holiday and my way of ushering in 2013. I'm trying not to build up any strong expectations, but ... eeek.


This might sound strange, but you can look into a convent/monastery in your area to see if they offer retreats. I've done this a couple of times, and the cost was minimal. We were told we could be entirely secluded to ourselves, or we could take meals with the nuns (we went to a convent). They offered a spiritual guide if we wanted one, but it was not required. You could bring any books, etc you want with you and you would not be disturbed. The place we went to also had nice outdoor space where we walked and enjoyed nature.

Just another idea I thought I'd throw out there.


Thank you all for the great ideas and suggestions!

If I were to plan a mini-retreat for myself, it would be from Friday through Monday, at a place with nature (definitely nature! :))

I would bring my trusty Tarot deck, my Runes, my journal, notebook, books on a topic I'm studying, comfortable clothes and just be open to anything.

I definitely would make it electronic free (and hubby would be notified where to contact me (at the front desk!) in case of emergency).

I would nap when I needed, read, write, draw, and pray. I would like to find a facility where I don't have to worry about food...but maybe a place that offered meal plans, otherwise, I would need to factor eating in there too.

So many ideas, opportunities, and possibilities. I think I may actually plan this soon. A much needed gift to myself. :)

I would love to hear more about your ideas and experiences if you would care to share them!