Stork Fox Dog?


So I asked about my singer friend and I pulled Stork, Fox, and Dog. I used Blue Owl for this pull.

I'm seeing:
Stork + Fox - False progress
Fox + Dog - False Friends

Fox seems to pop up time and time again when I ask about him, but we've had the same social and business circles for years.

I know he and his gf aren't happy but I'm not sure if it's falseness on his end that I need to be worried about or someone manipulating the situation to their benefit. He and I have had some degree of interest in each other for a while now and I'd at least like a shot.

I'm also wondering if I should wait a day or two and pull three more cards for clarification at that time.



What question did you ask exactly about your singer friend?

So I asked about my singer friend and I pulled Stork, Fox, and Dog. I used Blue Owl for this pull.

I'm seeing:
Stork + Fox - False progress
Fox + Dog - False Friends

Fox seems to pop up time and time again when I ask about him, but we've had the same social and business circles for years.

I know he and his gf aren't happy but I'm not sure if it's falseness on his end that I need to be worried about or someone manipulating the situation to their benefit. He and I have had some degree of interest in each other for a while now and I'd at least like a shot.

I'm also wondering if I should wait a day or two and pull three more cards for clarification at that time.



It was more of a vague 'How will things go between us' for now. It seems more like a comment than a prediction tbh


Storks Fox Dog

I would then see it as a combination of some changes for the better yet some things will still be kept hidden between you both likely due to underlying issues. These issues may or may not be to do with the friendship itself. And despite whether there are changes or issues the friendship still remains.

Something isn't 100%, but you still regard each other as friends. :)

It was more of a vague 'How will things go between us' for now. It seems more like a comment than a prediction tbh


I do find the cards tend to just state the obvious, especially in draws that echo a question asked often...

In relation to your question, it seems to me that Stork/Fox/Dog are saying that your relationship will continue to be what it is - a working one. Some travel may be involved, but nothing far out there. Storks don't fly too far, and always return to the nest. Fox and Dog in this scenario mean to me that the relationship involves working together somehow.

Looks static to me - things won't change. Or, Stork is saying (Stork/Fox) that there is a false sense of forward movement or change. It isn't true. Dog tells me that you will continue to serve and wait loyally.


I think you both nailed it, actually.

I don't have a valid passport or money for airfare (still! *sigh*) and so I physically CAN'T see him until he returns to the US. We're good friends, but we're also 5000 miles apart and so things can't progress as quickly as I'd like.

We also don't work together for the same reasons. He's a musician and a DJ, I'm the town fortune teller. Both of us are entertainers, but in different fields, obviously. We have a crapton of mutual friends in the music industry (it's how we met) and keep in touch through direct and indirect channels which is why I was wondering if something shady's going on behind the scenes. He and his old manager have been trying to get me to Europe for YEARS but so far, no dice.

Not flying far from home is on point. Phoenix and LA are only six hours apart by ground, barring traffic, detours, etc. I didn't need to go far to see him, though it was still a journey. Hmm...

So yeah, I think you're both right and it's a comment on my current situation as well. We'll see what happens in a couple of months, I guess.


Storks Fox Dog

I would then see it as a combination of some changes for the better yet some things will still be kept hidden between you both likely due to underlying issues. These issues may or may not be to do with the friendship itself. And despite whether there are changes or issues the friendship still remains.

Something isn't 100%, but you still regard each other as friends. :)

So...talking to mutual friends, things not being 100% is dead on. There are a lot of self-destructive issues going on behind the scenes that frankly require an intervention. I'm doing all I can on my end but it's slow going.

So perhaps it means changing his situation through loyalty and business associates?

I'm new at Lennie, obviously. :/


"Fox" is the centre card, so you could say it is the main focus or key part to the situation at hand.

In other words: Issues, deceit, things not being on the up and up, and self destruction, I'm sure, would also come under it.

Everything centres and/or is influenced/impacted by the centre card.

But with the DOG there is still the friendship and loyalty staying firm even if not easy. :)

So...talking to mutual friends, things not being 100% is dead on. There are a lot of self-destructive issues going on behind the scenes that frankly require an intervention. I'm doing all I can on my end but it's slow going.

So perhaps it means changing his situation through loyalty and business associates?

I'm new at Lennie, obviously. :/


Indeed. A lot of people have or are about to wash their hands of him--and some of these people have known him for 20+ years. That's bad no matter which way it's sliced. :/

Fox could also mean confusion, I guess. He's a train wreck and it's painful to watch.


This lay out is about you and him not others. Your friendship with him. And it shows that there are real issues, but the friendship right now is still there. It isn't over.

Could change a month from now even a week, but at the moment it is still there. :)

Some don't walk away when it all goes bad....

Indeed. A lot of people have or are about to wash their hands of him--and some of these people have known him for 20+ years. That's bad no matter which way it's sliced. :/

Fox could also mean confusion, I guess. He's a train wreck and it's painful to watch.