Strong feelings after dream about dead loved one


I saw the title of SuitofSword's thread about a prophetic dream and knew I had to tell you about my dreams and ask you what I should do now. I'm no lucid dreamer and although I remember dreams from different times in my life, I don't know how to deal with two I had in the last week.

I lost my stepfather, a very significant and beloved person in my life, nearly 20 years ago. In spite of intense feelings of missing him, he never appeared in my dreams.

A week ago, I had a very vivid dream where he came to me, hugged me strongly, told me that he is real, he is fine, and that he wants me to know something. He told me that piece of information and I didn't remember it!

I was upset about that the whole week but also very glad to catch up with him in my dream, he was so real, it was his voice and his hug.

And last night, I again dreamed about him. This time, he appeared under more stressful circumstances - I had to catch a flight, my stuff got lost, all kind of people pulled me away from him, you know it is in dreams. In spite of my distress about this unquiet situation, he managed to hug me again, tell me again he is fine and he has to tell me something.

I don't even know whether he told me what was obviously important.

I woke up in tears of frustration.

I know that he will try again to reach me (or the part of my soul that is connected to him will make itself felt again), it's always three tries, I'm sure.

I will put pen and paper next to my bed, next to my pillow, and try to catch what he has to tell me.

But does anyone of you have advice how to handle this right?

I never had anyone whom I loved appear in a dream with a message. I KNOW this is important, and I was so happy that he came to me.

Sorry to be so emotional but it was such a strong dream, and writing it down made it all come back.


Nemia, I'm sure others will have their opinions, but what I say comes from a decade of studying Jungian psychology and dream symbolism.

Although you've missed your stepfather for 20 years, the unconscious elements of that loss have never come close enough to consciousness to become part of a dream, until now. Something in your recent experience has triggered a thought or reflection that has caused this content to emerge.

We all have a strong need to believe that the loved ones who played an important role in our lives are doing well in whatever we see as the afterlife. In your dream you connected to your stepfather through voice and touch; he must have been very affectionate and loving.

Modern transit terminals serve as metaphors for the soul's transit. The fact that it is you who had to catch a flight means that at a certain level you understand that you need to make the transition between missing your stepfather intensely and being at peace. The fact that your stuff got lost and many people got in the way means that you are having difficulty doing this. You can't make the connection you need to; in other words, you aren't able to hear his message for you.

The message is important, which is why you've dreamt of your stepfather a second time, but with added frustration. Please realize that a substantial part of his message for you has been already been delivered: that he has moved on, is well, and still feels all the love and affection for you that you need and remember.

You can assist the process of recall with a conscious technique. Try to calmly take time to remember all the details you can about the two dreams. Note even small things, and especially your emotional reactions. Once this is done, try to meditate on the various elements and how they might fit together, but without putting any pressure on yourself to come up with anything. Sometimes this process allows the intuitive mind the time necessary to make connections that cannot come any other way.

How we relate to our loved ones, and how they relate to us, has power both to harm and to heal. I believe you'll find a healing path. Good luck.


Dear Sentient, thank you very much.

It was healing already to write it down, and to see that it was read, understood and pondered even more so.

Thank you for your words, I'll think about it and meditate.


Hello Nemia,

Thank you for sharing your dream with us. I do have a few suggestions that seem to work for me:
1. Close your blinds so when you wake up, you do not instantly see outside. Dreams tend to dissipate into light.
2. Do not look at your phone either. For some reason like the light it makes the dream memory disapear.
3. Instead when you are awake, rewind your dream in your head (eyes closed), only then get up and turn on the lights. Write it down then. If you wait, the day light will wash off the memory.
4. The dead only come to protect us. If you are facing a situation of sorts right now, they usually come to see us or advice. From your dream I get a sence of "protector" and "guard". So why is he come to protect you and from what? Who are all these stupid people who are tagging at you?
5. When was the last time you seen a doctor? I suggest you go have your anual now. If you have simptoms, go see a Dr. Please.


Thank you. I think you are right that this is a warning sign. I have the feeling my step father appeared because my much younger half brother is in danger. We promised him to protect our little brother who was very young when his father died, and I'm afraid we haven't done it well enough.


Nemia, I do believe it was a visit from your beloved stepfather. As for the message he gave to you and you can't recall now, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Try the steps that was outlined by bluelagun and just allow it to happen easily and peacefully. If you try too hard or allow yourself to become frustrated and/or agitated, you most likely will not get the message.

Also, I fully believe that if you forget the message upon waking, it will come back to you when you need for it to. In other words, say the msg was about something you needed to do for your half brother. Well, when that time comes to be and you NEED to do whatever it is for your half brother--you'll do it automatically in the way your stepfather told you to.

Trust in the fact that your stepfather looks over all of you and will do his best to guide all of you as well. All our loved ones in spirit do keep watch over us and will help us when and if we nned it and allow them to do so.


All of you are wonderful people. Thank you. I had nobody that I could speak about this dream with. You all found the right words and really really helped me. May you all be rewarded with good karma for the support you gave me. I have put every word into a jewel box of my heart. Thank you.