Thoth- Best interpretations?


Hey there,
Just wondering what your thoughts are on where to find the best Thoth interpretations (online is always good). I find these a lot harder to come across than other deck meanings.
I have the RWS deck down pretty good now and feel like it's time to move forward with my learning and acquaint myself with the Thoth deck (as this was my first deck, but intimidated me at first).
Looking forward to your responses!


Hey there,
Just wondering what your thoughts are on where to find the best Thoth interpretations (online is always good). I find these a lot harder to come across than other deck meanings.
I have the RWS deck down pretty good now and feel like it's time to move forward with my learning and acquaint myself with the Thoth deck (as this was my first deck, but intimidated me at first).
Looking forward to your responses!

I'm sure you will get lots of feedback (and I know there are earlier threads on this topic). Personally I like the Tryskelion site as an on-line resource. It has quite a bit of other stuff so you have to drill down to get to the tarot material (it's under "The Arts"). There is also a "the-book-of-thoth" website, and Raven's site uses the Thoth deck as well but is less thorough in its card descriptions. There are a couple of other but I can't find them in my bookmarks. For books I'd get Lon Milo Duquette's Thoth book, and there are a couple by Hajo Banzhaf that I use. The Book of Thoth itself is a lifetime study :)


I posted links and PDF files on my blog, and updated recently: http://***********************.com/...n_Dawn_tarot_decks_related_files_and_websites

Well, looks like the link refuses to work. It's unfortunate, I have all three Book of Thoth, Book T and Liber 777 in PDF files there to be downloaded.

I'll can at least add the links of the websites here:

Raven's Tarot Site:

Tryskelion - A Pagan Website (in the left menu click on The Arts section, then on the right menu pick Tarot):

Angel Paths - Jan's Guide to the Tarot:

And the website of The Encyclopedia of Thelema & Magick is down for some reason:

Erwin Hessle - The Small Cards of the Tarot:

Esotarot - Tarot Section:

And a link to a PDF file given by Aeon418, in another thread, "Liber Theta: Tarot Symbolism & Divination by James A. Eshelman":

EDIT: I just put Book T as attachment. The other PDFs are too big though to be added as attachments.


  • Book T - The Tarot.pdf
    96.5 KB · Views: 230


Thank you so much for these helpful replies!! :) :)