Two exchanges


Hi, two to the point exchanges.



I expressed some feelings to RB and has backed away may I ask why ?


I expressed some feelings to RB and has backed away may I ask why ?

Dog crossroads birds

I think he may be seeing another person (birds), and he values your friendship (dog), so he's taken a step back to think through (crossroads).

What will happen between me and I over the next two weeks? romantic interest


Dog crossroads birds

I think he may be seeing another person (birds), and he values your friendship (dog), so he's taken a step back to think through (crossroads).

What will happen between me and I over the next two weeks? romantic interest

Lily, Dog, House

It looks like you two will be having some fun :) I see they enjoy your company and are very comfortable with you. Is I older ?

I think he is seeing someone also. It's like he begs for my attention I finally give it to him then he runs.

Would you like to do one more ?


Lily, Dog, House

It looks like you two will be having some fun :) I see they enjoy your company and are very comfortable with you. Is I older ?

I think he is seeing someone also. It's like he begs for my attention I finally give it to him then he runs.

Would you like to do one more ?

2-3 years tops. But cool. It's interesting. I did a reading for me and him and got house in the end as well. I also get Lilly for him quite often.

Sorry, that's annoying of RB

Sure, what's your q


2-3 years tops. But cool.

Sorry, that's annoying of RB

Sure, what's your q

Does RB REALLY want a relationship with me or is he just holding out until he finds something better ?


Does RB REALLY want a relationship with me or is he just holding out until he finds something better ?

What does RB want?

Anchor snake dog
He seems to want his cake and eat it too. Anchor says he wants commitment, dog, he values friendship and connection, and snake seems to be his roving eye

What does he want from page?

Sun tree fish
I think he does a feel a connection with and wants to deepen it further.

What is the advice for page?

Moon garden lily (star)
There is uncertainity here, in terms of his approach and waxing and waning affections. The cards seem to be saying to maybe date a bit, perhaps someone older and grounded. I picked a card to confirm the advice, and I think that's what it means, keep on looking for love and keeping yourself open. This could work in two ways, either a) your emotional distance may prompt him to take serious consideration of his behaviour (especially since you have been clear with him about your feelings), b) you may actually meet someone who is better suited to you, someone stable and affectionate, who knows what they want as well.

Hope this helped.

What is the cards advice to dealing with I?


What does RB want?

Anchor snake dog
He seems to want his cake and eat it too. Anchor says he wants commitment, dog, he values friendship and connection, and snake seems to be his roving eye

What does he want from page?

Sun tree fish
I think he does a feel a connection with and wants to deepen it further.

What is the advice for page?

Moon garden lily (star)
There is uncertainity here, in terms of his approach and waxing and waning affections. The cards seem to be saying to maybe date a bit, perhaps someone older and grounded. I picked a card to confirm the advice, and I think that's what it means, keep on looking for love and keeping yourself open. This could work in two ways, either a) your emotional distance may prompt him to take serious consideration of his behaviour (especially since you have been clear with him about your feelings), b) you may actually meet someone who is better suited to you, someone stable and affectionate, who knows what they want as well.

Hope this helped.

What is the cards advice to dealing with I?

Letter, rider, moon

Be clear with your emotions in regards to this guy. You need to have open communication and don't be so guarded with your feelings. Also not to expect too much too soon. This guy is just dating for now. Im not sure he's clear on what he wants either to be honest.

Having his cake and eating it too sounds just like him. He's asked me to commit to him multiple times but I don't feel he wants to be monogamous.

I also believe he wants to deepen our connection. But I'm not letting that happen.

As far as advice I think the latter will be the outcome. I've been emotionally distant from him since day 1. I just recently told him I liked him and still no change. So I'm just going to start dating again and taking it serious. As far as looking for someone older unfortunately I only date older guys with no success lol