what does it bring the solar eclipse of 10/23/14?


Hello All:

I do not know much about astrology, only my sun sign lol, but I was wondering what changes is bringing this solar eclipse?

I am just curious and whoever wants to share information about this, will be happy to read about it.


Hello All:

I do not know much about astrology, only my sun sign lol, but I was wondering what changes is bringing this solar eclipse?

I am just curious and whoever wants to share information about this, will be happy to read about it.

I take it you are referring to the recent partial eclipse on 23 October. This occurred in the first degree of Scorpio. There's no simple answer to your question, though you will find quite a few attempts on the internet. T

he reason the answer is not simple lies in the very nature of Western (and Indian) Astrology. For the last 2,000 years that Astrology has attempted to relate events in the heavens, such as an eclipse, to events on Earth by localising the effects to a specific place. That is done through a horoscopic chart, which requires time date and place to be entered into its calculation.

As the charts vary depending on location, the effects are seen to be different for people at those varying locations. Thus the eclipse might be seen as beneficial in some areas but disadvatageous in others. It depends where in the chart the eclips falls.

For much of those 2,000 years eclipses were seen as important at a national or regional level. Thus the question would be more along the lines of how the eclipse would effect the USA or Russia or Australia or the UK, etc. This would require charts set for the founding of the country or for a major constitutional change. For example, there are charts set for 4 July 1776 in Philadelphia, where the Declaration of Independence was signed for the USA. No one is sure exactly what time that was but there are good estimated of it. So if you look up Astrological Chart for the USA, you are likely to find one by Ebenezer Sibley.

How this eclipse would effect the USA would be read from where it appeared in the chart and what aspects it received and gave to the planets in that chart.

These days many Astrologers will cast charts for the effects on individuals, by placing the eclipse in their charts. For example in my chart the eclipse occured within a degree of my natal Sun, it therefore coincided almost exactly to my solar return. This solar return will therefore be particularly special for me.

For others it will be less important and some may not even notice it.

So you can look at this on two levels. How it affects the country you live in (and thus have an effect on you because you live there) or how it effects you directly.

There's a third factor. Until recently (in terms of Astology's history) eclipses were seen to be only important if you could actually see them. Light was seen both actually and metaphorically as being the way the heavens effected us. Take away the light and the effect will not be good. So eclipses had a bad name in Astrology, they were the harbingers of bad things.

Over the last 100 years or so, this seems to have changed with Astrologers attaching importance to eclipses whether they are visible or not. Where I live the eclipse was not visible, indeed it occurred towards the middle of the night. I therefore have to decide whether that makes it as important as if I had lived in a country where it was visible, or whether I downgrade it to a 'normal' New Moon. I tend to the latter view but a New Moon at a Solar Return is still an important event.

OK, I've not given you a direct answer only reasons why you need to relate it to where you live. Those Astrologers who make general statements about the eclipse do so solely on the basis of it occurring in Scorpio, though they do take account of any aspects involved. What they don't do is relate that to a location and without that extra information, the reading is of little practical use at best and is likely to highly misleading at worst.



Thanks so much for the interesting information, as I mention before my knowledge as far as astrology is ZERO, but this information was really mind opening.

Thanks again for your time :)