what is a witch to you


what is a witch to you. i've been called one a couple of times but i don't have any powers or anything. (and i'm not talking about silly things like movieg things with my finger tips, but i'm not very strong at manifesting things which i view as one important part of being a witch)

these people just look at me and within 10 min they've labeled me as a witch


It depends very much where I am and who I am talking to. Here in my part of Canada, we call in a water witch when we plan to dig a well. The one we had, I think didn't do anything ELSE - but he was very good on finding the water. In the UK, I have a friend who calls herself a witch. You wouldn't "know by looking at her". She does spells. I also know people who simply subscribe to the Wiccan faith who call themselves witches.

Or to put it another way - it depends ! What is it about you that makes them label you ?


ok i'll make this a little more personal if you guys don't mind.

i'm gonna ask you directly if you yourself identify as a witch and why or why not


I think Gregory pretty much covered it. It depends. Most people I know who label themselves a "witch" practice the Wiccan faith and call themselves this. I also, (like Gregory), had a man out to our home when we had to dig a well, and he used two sticks to find the right place for it. Told me he always does this and is always right. Thing is, we ended up going with another well digger--who didn't believe in that stuff--but he dug right where that man told us to--and we have GREAT water.

I also know people who perform spells--good and bad and who are great at manifesting things for themselves. Some whom do label themselves as a witch and some do not.

The term of "witch" conjures up lots of ideas and feelings, but I know that some witches are good people and some are bad just like any other person. Most of whom I do know are good. However, I even call a few people a witch--mainly because they are just nasty and mean beings. So, I guess it really depends.


OK - no, I don't. But then, I am not a witch in any sense I would define one . Not even a water-witch. I don't do spells, and I am not Wiccan.


A witch to me is someone who uses natural magic. I've called myself a witch before but I'm definitely not Wiccan (that's more of a religious thing).. I don't label myself as anything these days, I'm just me.


A witch to me is someone who uses natural magic. I've called myself a witch before but I'm definitely not Wiccan (that's more of a religious thing).. I don't label myself as anything these days, I'm just me.

Close to this.

I've never been Wiccan; but I have identified as a witch and now I don't. My connection to nature doesn't need a label. If anything, it eventually became confining.


A witch to me is someone who uses natural magic. I've called myself a witch before but I'm definitely not Wiccan (that's more of a religious thing).. I don't label myself as anything these days, I'm just me.

Close to this.

I've never been Wiccan; but I have identified as a witch and now I don't. My connection to nature doesn't need a label. If anything, it eventually became confining.

Same same, for me. Used to identify as a witch merely because I love nature, and have used sympathetic magic in the past; but I found the label confining, and now simply see myself as just myself, another individual in the great sea of humanity. :)

ETA Like the others, I am wondering why people label you as a witch, merely by looking at you?


hermit-IX have you asked these people what they mean by "witch"?
What is their definition? (it can mean many things to many people).

Perhaps you have a direct way of speaking that gets right to the point of things that makes them uncomfortable? Perhaps you say "Oh I wonder if if X is coming home today..." - and then X knocks on your door?
Perhaps you are extremely astute and able to figure out what people might be thinking?
Do you wear swishy ethereal looking clothes and float about with a black cat by your ankles? ;)
Do you love the night and have a fascination for the Moon?
Can you hear the Wild Call You - especially on Moonlit nights?

I am a Witch. And a Wiccan:

Definitions from The White Goddess - Pagan Portal:

A practitioner of folk magick, particularly that kind relating to herbs, stones, colors, wells, rivers, etc. It is used by some Wiccans to describe themselves. A Witch is someone who practices the Art of Witchcraft, and who uses her will to bend or shape the reality around her. Witchcraft focuses on using Magick and ritual to work with the elemental and spiritual forces in nature. As with most things witches come in lots of different flavours there are traditional witches, green witches, hedgewitches, and hereditary witches who claim direct lineage with parents/grand parents etc, these usually operate as small independent family groups."

"A definition of Wicca or a Wiccan may be;
A modern Pagan religion with spiritual roots in the earliest expressions of reverence for nature. Some major identifying motifs are: reverence for both the Goddess and God; acceptance of reincarnation and magick; ritual observance of astronomical and agricultural phenomena; and the use of magickal circles for ritual purposes. A Wiccan may practice witchcraft or so therefore could call themselves a witch. This doesn't apply to all Wiccans neither does in imply that all witches are Wiccans".


A "Water Witch" - is a water dowser. Some dowsers can dowse for anything.
I remember watching one on TV once, who's speciality was finding diamonds in South Africa.

"The Witch - is the ultimate feminist icon, fierce, independent and powerful with an identity not tied to a family or a man...one of the oldest female archetypes" - Timeline.


My first introduction to "witchcraft" (20-plus years ago) was an advertisement that read, "Harness the power..." So, after many years of personal study, my view of witchcraft is that it is the ability to harness your personal power to create significant change in your life, regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs. A "witch" is a person who realizes they have complete control and responsibility over their own destiny. No special powers required... ;)