What is your power / totem animal?

Dee Ell

How did you discover / connect with it?

And how do you connect with /channel it in your divinatory practice?

(apologies in advance if this isn't the right place for this thread! I can't access the Spirituality forums where I'm guessing it might go as I can't afford to renew my subscription... sorry :( )


I have a few power animals.

The first one I ever "met" was the black panther/jaguar. I found him (I always refer to it as a "Him") through a shaman, who lead me in meditation to find my power animal. When I met him, he never gave me a name to call him, so I always refer to him as "black panther". However, I have often "felt" him with me--and I mean literally "felt" him. I can feel his fur at times--when he is standing right next to me!

I have connected with him mostly in meditation and astral traveling. The funny thing is he has also shown up for other people reading me--in their readings. Some were quite surprised to have a black panther come to them! :laugh:

I also have the Tiger as a power animal, and other animals I have had come to me many times were the crow/raven (I can't be sure which it is), an eagle, and a horse! The Tiger also came as a result of a shamanic meditation that I did. I also had a hummingbird for awhile--as I am not sure the hummingbird is a power animal that is staying with me. It has shown up a few times--and again, has also shown itself to a psychic reader I went to for a reading. That reader also picked up on the panther and also saw the phoenix for me--but I have never connected to the phoenix myself that I can recall. The phoenix did have a message for me delivered through that psychic--and I can't recall what it was now--but when I was told it, it made perfect sense to me then.

Some power animals will only be with you for a short time--as they are here to help you with something- a lesson perhaps and then when that is over, they can leave you. But I do know that the black panther is with me for the rest of my life and I think the crow/raven probably is too. I also feel red tail hawks are a power animal for me as I see them often in my meditations too--as well as in real life.

If I know that I need guidance or help in a particular area, I may call on a specific power animal to be with me and to guide me on the right path. Or, I sometimes just luck out and the right one comes when needed. Sometimes I have not asked for any help/guidance and then in my meditation--they appear to me. Sometimes when I'm doing a psychic reading for another person/doing my spirit work--(calling on the deceased)--or whatever.

Are you interested in finding yours, is this the reason you are asking these questions?


My wife is very oriented to the animal spirits and has a strong connection to them in her dreams and meditations. I usually pick up on them when I see a lot of unusual repetition or something in my path that shouldn't be there. I.e., dragonfly made itself visible to me a few years ago, and mediums began drawing them when doing readings for me.

I think a little bit of the process can somewhat dependent on the receiver's place in life and how the spirits can interact with them, allowing the discovery of each totem to be a journey unique to its partner. She can channel them fairly easily while they have to beat me over the head to be noticed (like..."hey that was a really weird animal to be crossing the road!")


Turtle. I haven't done any of that work, but if I did this would be my power animal.


My wife is very oriented to the animal spirits and has a strong connection to them in her dreams and meditations. I usually pick up on them when I see a lot of unusual repetition or something in my path that shouldn't be there. I.e., dragonfly made itself visible to me a few years ago, and mediums began drawing them when doing readings for me.

I think a little bit of the process can somewhat dependent on the receiver's place in life and how the spirits can interact with them, allowing the discovery of each totem to be a journey unique to its partner. She can channel them fairly easily while they have to beat me over the head to be noticed (like..."hey that was a really weird animal to be crossing the road!")

Yeah - that is pretty much how it is, as far as I have experienced it! You see the animal *a lot* and frequently in unusual places or times. Or during really important happenings. That's a pretty good indication right there...

ETA I don't use mine in divination practice. Not yet, anyways. But growth is always occurring!


I always thought mine would be an eagle or a wolf just because I'm drawn to them and find them beautiful. So when I went to a retreat and was led in a meditation to journey to the center of my intuition and meet totem animal what appeared was a black panther with yellow eyes. This was a very important thing for me as it was the first time I had done meditation and also the first time I was able to visualize anything since I blocked my abilities when I was 18. At the time of this experience I was around 30, I think.

I did not see black panther again until years later when I was having a really difficult experience and I was asking for protection and guidance and confirmation form the universe/Great Spirit that everything would be okay. And it was :)

Jen P

How does one find out about one's own totem/power animal?


How does one find out about one's own totem/power animal?

read posts 3, 5, and 6! And CN's post, too :) there are many ways to discover it, but usually, it just shows itself to you over and over in daily life, in places where it shouldn't be (i.e. a bunny crossing a road in the middle of downtown, then a bunny on your front steps when you get home, then a bunny pic on a card someone mailed you...that kind of thing).

Dee Ell

Mahalo for your replies Tychis and G6 (I'm curious why you're so positive it's a turtle for you G6?)

I have a few power animals.

The first one I ever "met" was the black panther/jaguar. I found him (I always refer to it as a "Him") through a shaman, who lead me in meditation to find my power animal. When I met him, he never gave me a name to call him, so I always refer to him as "black panther". However, I have often "felt" him with me--and I mean literally "felt" him. I can feel his fur at times--when he is standing right next to me!

I also have the Tiger as a power animal, and other animals I have had come to me many times were the crow/raven (I can't be sure which it is), an eagle, and a horse! The Tiger also came as a result of a shamanic meditation that I did. I also had a hummingbird for awhile--as I am not sure the hummingbird is a power animal that is staying with me. It has shown up a few times--and again, has also shown itself to a psychic reader I went to for a reading. That reader also picked up on the panther and also saw the phoenix for me--but I have never connected to the phoenix myself that I can recall. The phoenix did have a message for me delivered through that psychic--and I can't recall what it was now--but when I was told it, it made perfect sense to me then.

Some power animals will only be with you for a short time--as they are here to help you with something- a lesson perhaps and then when that is over, they can leave you. But I do know that the black panther is with me for the rest of my life and I think the crow/raven probably is too. I also feel red tail hawks are a power animal for me as I see them often in my meditations too--as well as in real life.

If I know that I need guidance or help in a particular area, I may call on a specific power animal to be with me and to guide me on the right path. Or, I sometimes just luck out and the right one comes when needed. Sometimes I have not asked for any help/guidance and then in my meditation--they appear to me. Sometimes when I'm doing a psychic reading for another person/doing my spirit work--(calling on the deceased)--or whatever.

Are you interested in finding yours, is this the reason you are asking these questions?

CN you always give such wonderfully detailed feedback :)

Yes, I've been thinking about it for myself - it's something I've thought about for many years as I wasn't sure if there was just ONE you had connected to you personally and others that are just companion travelers along part of the way so to speak...

When I was living in a very abusive/stressful environment as a child/young adult I would always dream of strange spiders - like unusual, giant, archetypal spiders, not ordinary ones. I've never been scared of them in real life but these come to me during bad PTSD night terrors usually and I feel I have to run away from them. But I always felt like I needed to learn from them so I wasn't sure if they were just Messengers or some totem connected to me personally. I'm inclined to think Messengers because although I appreciate the spiritual energy they represent of weaving /creation, I don't feel a kinship with them. Then again that may just be their uncomfortable aspects/aesthetics influencing my personal preferences :D

Interestingly enough, I have always felt an affinity with hummingbirds, dragonflies, the platypus, and *most especially* the black jaguar and the phoenix (It never occurred to me that mythological creatures could be our power animals).

But I think some of those are just sort of aspirational qualities I admire (like the hummingbird) while others like the black jaguar and phoenix FEEL like me. So I don't know what that means in the bigger picture but I'd love to connect with my *lifelong* power animal somehow...

Jen P

read posts 3, 5, and 6! And CN's post, too :) there are many ways to discover it, but usually, it just shows itself to you over and over in daily life, in places where it shouldn't be (i.e. a bunny crossing a road in the middle of downtown, then a bunny on your front steps when you get home, then a bunny pic on a card someone mailed you...that kind of thing).

Thanks Padma! I will try to think about it/reflect on it.