The Wheel of the Year Tarot (new LoS deck)


I like it a lot. This is only the second deck I "clicked" with (the first being the Gilded), and it seems to give much clearer, more intuitive readings for me (still very much a beginner). Yes, some of the faces look a bit strange and some cards are a bit too sweet, but I think the scenes are pretty well thought out and much more expressive than most of the RWS variants I have seen. And the 10 of Swords (and the 9) is much darker and feels more "real" than RWS.

The one issue I have with this deck is in the LWB. It lists Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh as minor sabats and the solstices and equinoxes as major. In my tradition, it's the other way around. Not sure if it's a typo or if they are going off a different tradition.

Just my newby opinion.

Mountain Girl

Hiding in Shadows

I have found several typos in the LWB. That doesn't bother me. I have 3 princess cards and 1 prince. This really bugs me.


I'm happy I'm not the only one using and enjoying this deck! I've done a few more readings with it since I last posted, and I find it to be very evocative of RWS meanings without being an unimaginative carbon copy. Some of the cards feature pretty inventive reworkings of standard imagery. It reads very well, and I personally enjoy the deck's central theme a lot. I also like the artwork in general, which is of course down to subjective personal taste... I'm not seeing it as being "too lightweight," though, or somehow lacking for being "too happy," but again, that's just my own take.

Full disclosure: I'm not well versed in the underlying actual Wheel of the Year material and associated festivals and such, so I can't speak to the deck's accuracy there (I was actually using it in part to learn more about these things...).

And that Princess card typo is distracting, that's true...


I'm so glad I finally have it.
Before wicca and wheel of the year stuff I always liked seasons and time thu it, so when I stumble upon that deck last year, I immediatly put it on wishlist.

I realize this month that it was my one-year-anniversary of learning tarot. In this first year, I learned about wicca and all among other things. So why not allow myself a small gift. I choose ( haha ! like a pokeball ^^ ) the Wheel of the Year :)

Now that it is in my hands, I really like it. Yes, the artwork is a bit cartoon-ish look but I don't mind, some prefer art nouveau, others digital art. It is clearly an artwork from comics ( take a look at the Universal Goddess and you'll see )

The colours are bright but it doesn't diminish the message, which is the most important.
It is right to the point but not aggressive. I think it is really interesting.

I wonder how things will work out with time. I mean, the deck has it's own timing ( the wheel ) so when you happen to have a "when" question, how will it appears and have to interprete it ? Do you have to change your own system ( ie wands = day ) or just make it base on sabbat ? I know, I like to complicate things :)


Has anyone trimmed the white borders (with their multi-lingual titles) off this deck? It would be small, true, and make the backs asymmetrical, but that doesn't bother me as I never as a rule look at card backs. I'm seriously contemplating trimming this deck. Wonder if anyone has done it already. :)


I'm not sure I would trim it but it could be a nice idea :)


Funny to see this thread again -- I realized that it's now something like nine months since I last posted here, and with the exception of the Sweet Twilight, I haven't been using any of the other decks at all that I'd spoken of in my posts upthread! I did loan the Wheel of the Year Tarot to a friend briefly, though, as she's new to Tarot, wanted to work with a deck at home but didn't own one, and liked the look of that deck. She ended up loving it, for what that's worth, and I enjoyed seeing the imagery again as she was first looking through it, but...I haven't been using it. I'm not against it or anything, but other decks have eclipsed the few I mentioned in this thread this year, as it turns out.


I've started trimming it and it's an interesting transformation. I am going to the shops tomorrow to buy metallic paint pens to write the numbers on. I fancy silver metallic on them for some reason. Why not, eh?


Want pics once done for some tarot pr0n hahah ^^