Deck of the week group - week 41 - 11-18 May 2012



I think I may have to pick my own deck next time/not use randomizer at all...dunno, having another 'not feeling it' week and I really think its more where my mind is at right now than it is that these decks aren't right for me...that, or too much working with the Thoth is doing...*things* to my reading brain :0


Thanks everyone! your support really helps, im feeling pretty rubbish... just off to the vets now with the dog!!! going to pick something jolly and easy tarot wise next week! the Golden is a bit sober for me this week, although beautiful as ever its not really connecting for me.. I still owe an exchange (sorry Elendil!) so we will see how she performs for that this time round...


This is the Silicon Valley Tarot. However, in regards to the Tarot of the Silicon Dawn, I did try it both ways. I used 99 cards and really felt that the extra cards gave some depth to the readings I did. Also used only 78 cards and really loved it. It is a great deck. The sheer size of 99 decks, though. :bugeyed:

Honestly, I don't think I'll use it with only 78 cards for future readings. I even used the extra fools - partly because they are so different from one another.

I am loving your stroll through your dark decks! :)

LOL- obviously I didn't read it to closely. ;)

Glad to know you liked all the cards in the Silicon Dawn- I am looking forward to it.

After my "dark" stroll of course. })


Thanks everyone! your support really helps, im feeling pretty rubbish... just off to the vets now with the dog!!! going to pick something jolly and easy tarot wise next week!

Hope the vet trip works out!

The Xultun is beautiful and kind of dream-like. It also has a really different system for me. For example: the High Priestess is connected to the earth element instead of water.


After doing nothing much but sleep and eat and read light novels for a few days, I now feel as if I have gotten some of my energy back. And now I miss having a deck of the week. Maybe I'm ready to pick the next one now and get a head start for once...


Hope the vet trip works out!

The Xultun is beautiful and kind of dream-like. It also has a really different system for me. For example: the High Priestess is connected to the earth element instead of water.

oh I love the look of Xultun! I haven't seen it sold anywhere though, perhaps I need to look more. Definitely one for my collection some day.

I really love Dame Fortune's Wheel and could easily spend more time with it.
So far I added some great decks by being enabled by you guys.
Just managed to sell off the Crystal Visions one too :p

Read an advice to try and cap my collection at 100, think I am gonna try to do that.


Strange, but I am not loving the Silicon Valley as a personal deck. Not at all. Don't care to study it.

BUT - as a reading deck for others? It is great fun to use.


Working with the Lunatic this week has been lovely, like visiting an old friend, and we've had some truly lovely readings about business and storytelling. I feel ready to move onto decks that I don't love. Or, at least, am not sure about. I want to pare down my collection!

This coming week I'm torn between The Grail Tarot: A Templar Vision, the Tarot of the Dead, and the UFO Tarot -- all of which I've kept for years because what if I wanted them. The Grail I've even rebought, even though it doesn't really appeal to me, because of that horrible little What If voice. The Dead I bought because of my deep love for Dia de los Muertos, but it doesn't thrill me. The UFO is weird and not terribly serious and not very imaginative, and yet I just can't seem to get rid of it.

Food for thought. Today is a rest day, so I'm going to muck around and make up my mind!

ETA: I also need to start remembering to post in the daily draws thread...

ETA2: Erk. Right. Grail Tarot is right out -- I studied Muslim history for a time in between buying this deck and looking at it now, and I felt a little ill doing so. I shan't use a deck that glorifies the Crusades, no matter how subtly.


Well, I have mixed feelings about Crow's Magick. Despite finding the art appealing at first and it being okay as a deck for daily draws, I find myself thinking of what the card looks like in the RWS deck or even the Thoth. The art is just generally just pretty far off from any traditional or accepted meaning of Tarot. My boyfriend lent me the companion book, but I hate constantly looking up the meanings of cards. This deck just makes me go "Huh?" frankly.