The Vanessa Tarot, yay or nay?


The artwork is cute, but I never could really get into it and eventually traded it away.

pickled pixie

Thanks for all the great ideas folks! :) I have the Housewives Tarot and do indeed love it! :D And I'm in love with The Sun and Moon Tarot and the Victorian fairy Tarot! I must try to keep in mind that this is a Tarot deck for my daughter but it seems this thread has turned into looking for a new deck or 3 for me... :D

ana luisa

Thanks for all the great ideas folks! :) I have the Housewives Tarot and do indeed love it! :D And I'm in love with The Sun and Moon Tarot and the Victorian fairy Tarot! I must try to keep in mind that this is a Tarot deck for my daughter but it seems this thread has turned into looking for a new deck or 3 for me... :D

Now THAT'S dangerous !!! :D


You know...these days it seems like kids are 9 going on 30. They know so much more about things ( know...things LOL) than me or my my group of friends did at that age. Instead of dreading that Devil card in the Vanessa Tarot, why not try to find an online image of it and ask your daughter what she thinks of it. If she seems embarrassed then the deck probably isn't for her, though I think that's the only one that seems overtly sexual in that deck and even then I find it rather tame.

Someone may have already suggested doing that but I just read the OP and the first couple of responses so sorry if I'm just repeating what someone else has said.

pickled pixie

RunningWild you are right! They know so much, maybe too much about the world compared to our day (now I'm sounding like I'm ancient ;)) I don't mind the Devil card it's just the potential questions she may ask (i'm such a wimp when it comes to THOSE questions :D) but I think I will bite the bullet and just get it...and probably all the other decks people have suggested ;)


The Vanessa Tarot are together with the Whimsical Tarot my all time favorite reading decks. They just work, and work and work.


I went through each card in the deck and these 3 are the only ones that even
remotely might be of concern. See what you think.

The questions about the devil card could be answered by telling her that
the girl in the card is just keeping him as her friend. It doesn't have to mean
any more than that. You could take a black marker and put a top on her
and it would look ok. Or a red marker, that would work too. I think one of
those super fine point markers would do the trick. I had to look twice
to even see that she doesn't have a top on.

I also posted two cards from the Sun and Moon deck that are a little more
mature theme.


  • Vanessa.jpg
    71.8 KB · Views: 78
  • Sun_and_Moon_-_cups_07.jpg
    102.4 KB · Views: 87
  • Sun_and_Moon_-_XV_-_the_devil.jpg
    111.2 KB · Views: 76


I'm thinking of getting this quirky little deck for myself and a copy for my daughter for Christmas. For those of you who have it how do you find it reads? Is it good for younger readers? My daughter is showing an interest in Tarot and I wanted to get her a deck that is a little more modern so she can relate to it more! Thoughts both positive and negative please :D

I would personally answer yes to all your questions. :grin:

I do have it and yes it reads well for me. I like the artwork too. :heart:

Yes I do think it would be a good deck for a young reader. I really have no negative thoughts at all about it. It's a good deck.

And my last thought is how very lucky your daughter is to have you for a mother, to have a mother who can teach her Tarot and caringly show her a way into this wonderful world. Your caring shows in your post. :heart:



Thanks for all the great ideas folks! :) I have the Housewives Tarot and do indeed love it!

I love how the Devil in that deck is shown as a piece of devll's food cake. That always makes me laugh. As I am always trying to diet and what tempts me most to do what I shouldn't is things like cake! LOL
