Lenormand Game! One Sentence, 2 or 3 Cards


Rider - Garden - woman

There are a lot of movement in your life and new people problaby woman, are entering your life. You can meet them at a party or an event. 😊

Q. Will I meet a partner this year.

This looks like a pretty strong yes to me! Either news from a lady friend will be the instigator in this future relationship or this is someone you already know as a friend that will give you some news on their feelings?

My health this week?


Rider - Garden - woman

There are a lot of movement in your life and new people problaby woman, are entering your life. You can meet them at a party or an event. ��

Q. Will I meet a partner this year.

Coffin - Garden

Not if you don't go out and make yourself available to the social scenes and meet with people.

Does he know how I feel about him?


Coffin - Garden

Not if you don't go out and make yourself available to the social scenes and meet with people.

Does he know how I feel about him?
Okay ☺

Clouds - Ring - Anker

For a long time he was confused, but now he know that you feel commited to him.

Q. will i meet a partner at a spirituel event ?


Okay ☺

Clouds - Ring - Anker

For a long time he was confused, but now he know that you feel commited to him.

Q. will i meet a partner at a spirituel event ?
Book - Dog - Ring

Yes quite possibly, I think you will meet someone there who will start off as a friend that will become deeper later on.


This looks like a pretty strong yes to me! Either news from a lady friend will be the instigator in this future relationship or this is someone you already know as a friend that will give you some news on their feelings?

My health this week?

Woman - Rider

I think if you've been feeling under the weather lately you may find some better news regarding these feelings.

How will she take my late donation?


How will she take my late donation?
Flowers - Book - Owls
She will be pleasant, but may lecture you or others about tardiness.

Advice about attending the seminar in Atlanta next month?


Flowers - Book - Owls
She will be pleasant, but may lecture you or others about tardiness.

Advice about attending the seminar in Atlanta next month?

Dog - Lillies - Letter

Keep in contact with your lover via sexy text messages. :)

What do you see for me academically in January?


your combo was lovely Katieb about things improving, we both got a optimistic reading for each other :) :heart:

What do you see for me academically in January?

Tree + Tower + Mountain

do you possibly study (or thinking of studying) medicine or science? Tree + Tower could so be that! I see an obstacle in the way with mountain. Perhaps the course will get steep like climbing up a hill with difficulty, keep progressing! if you can, find the easiest route around the bottom (or obstacle). So will be harder work but you can get around it!

edited to add: omg looked at your profile urban and you are studying to be a nurse! thank you Lenormand for that hit! I really felt "health university" when I pulled the cards, I never look at people's personal info before a reading! :thumbsup:)

Q. will my life improve when Saturn leaves at the end of 2014?


your combo was lovely Katieb about things improving, we both got a optimistic reading for each other :) :heart:

Tree + Tower + Mountain

do you possibly study (or thinking of studying) medicine or science? Tree + Tower could so be that! I see an obstacle in the way with mountain. Perhaps the course will get steep like climbing up a hill with difficulty, keep progressing! if you can, find the easiest route around the bottom (or obstacle). So will be harder work but you can get around it!

edited to add: omg looked at your profile urban and you are studying to be a nurse! thank you Lenormand for that hit! I really felt "health university" when I pulled the cards, I never look at people's personal info before a reading! :thumbsup:)

Q. will my life improve when Saturn leaves at the end of 2014?

Haha, I LOVE the Lennies. Good job on that one, spooky how accurate it is huh?

Your cards: Tower + Stars + Key. So yes things will improve, especially in relation to an institution such as work or school, OR around issues of loneliness.

My question: I'm waiting to find out if I get into a nursing program, so I'm wondering: Is the difficulty represented by the Mountain in the last reading about whether I get in, or does it represent difficulty with academics while I'm in school?


Dog - Lillies - Letter

Keep in contact with your lover via sexy text messages. :)
Does this mean I will have a lover by then? :laugh:

My question: I'm waiting to find out if I get into a nursing program, so I'm wondering: Is the difficulty represented by the Mountain in the last reading about whether I get in, or does it represent difficulty with academics while I'm in school?
Crossroad - Sun - Flowers
This seems to indicate an equally enticing offer will come your way and put you in a flux about which direction to head with your life.

Advice about whether or not I should attend the seminar next month?