Can Tarot really foretell the Future ?


I dunno. I've lost the thread of this topic anyway.


Me too, but one thing is clear for me. It's not Tarot decks which tell future, but mutual mental interaction or communication between me (my mind) and the decks enable me to have insights for the future.


Why does every discussion stymie at this point of absolutism? Why should my comment, "I don't think we have as much free will as many of us like to think" become "There's no point in trying to avoid it"?

Personally, I think my stepdaughter could have avoided her "fate." People always saw her as incredibly lucky or blessed - until she wasn't. I heard more than one person comment that if she walked into a party where there was just one coke dealer, he would be instantly attracted to and woo her. How many times do we find ourselves walking in the same well-worn track, even though we thought we'd taken the other trail?
YES. Scripting is part of us all - but we CAN work to get around it and carve new paths.


I dunno. I've lost the thread of this topic anyway.

I have a vague recollection, it was about wether the future is predetermined or there is free will, and if can be foreseen by tarot or not....


Why does every discussion stymie at this point of absolutism? Why should my comment, "I don't think we have as much free will as many of us like to think" become "There's no point in trying to avoid it"?

I think because the question framed for this thread was a Yes/No kind of question so a Yes/No answer is being argued and looked for, and I think a lot of us know that you can't really do that when it comes to tarot. It's both Yes and No, and maybe Something Else.

I think Teheuti and Amanda have answered the question posed by this thread really well.. It's not as simple as does tarot tell the future or not.. It's not a binary thing.. There is no 'it can or it can't', there are too many variables and the question is trying to fit tarot and the future into something that they won't fit into because things are just so much more complex than that..


It isn't about marriage ; in my book a relationship worth pursuing is one where the "benefits " ( in terms of emotional exchange, or equal energy exchange, what it does for our growth as human beings, as well as what we do for the other person, and above all, of course, about LOVE ) outweight the tears, heartache, sadness and hard times that can be devastating for our soul and confidence, don't make us go forward in our spiritual development, and sometimes even makes us go backwards....A relationship can be an enriching, incredibly fulfilling and positive experience even if it lasts 3 weeks and doesn't end up in marriage, but we must be happy knowing that it will never go beyond that, and not secretly hope it will turn into something it will never be, or it will cause us just pain and bitterness....

Well, then we simply disagree on this. :) In my book tears, heartache, sadness and hard times are precisely the things that make us grow and evolve as humans. It's easy to 'develop spiritually', be confident and soulful when it's sunny, but what are that spirituality and confidence worth if they fail us at the slightest hint of difficulty?

To answer your original question(s), Tarot can sometimes predict the future and at other times it can't because the future is sometimes predetermined and at other times it's susceptible to fluctuations due to free will. This pretty much sums up my views on the matter at this moment. :)


I think Teheuti and Amanda have answered the question posed by this thread really well.. It's not as simple as does tarot tell the future or not.. It's not a binary thing.. There is no 'it can or it can't', there are too many variables and the question is trying to fit tarot and the future into something that they won't fit into because things are just so much more complex than that..

And what is it, in your oinion, that makes the difference between those cases when it does foretell the future correctly, and those when it doesn't ?


Well, then we simply disagree on this. :) In my book tears, heartache, sadness and hard times are precisely the things that make us grow and evolve as humans. It's easy to 'develop spiritually', be confident and soulful when it's sunny, but what are that spirituality and confidence worth if they fail us at the slightest hint of difficulty?

To answer your original question(s), Tarot can sometimes predict the future and at other times it can't because the future is sometimes predetermined and at other times it's susceptible to fluctuations due to free will. This pretty much sums up my views on the matter at this moment. :)

Like I said before, the idea that pain and suffering make us grow and are even purifying is an ancient one, and deeply consolatory, but I don't believe it's true. I believe more often than not, people become bitter, defensive, even selfish when they go through a painful experience, in their personal life or otherwise. That is not to say that we mustn't try to learn and deal with them in the best possible turn a necessity into a virtue, so to speak. The point about the original question, like I said before and someone else did as well, the key here is reliability. If sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't, then it's as good as saying that it can't, in my can't be trusted, and we don't need tarot or magic to make different hypothesis that may or may not come true.


Like I said before, the idea that pain and suffering make us grow and are even purifying is an ancient one, and deeply consolatory, but I don't believe it's true. I believe more often than not, people become bitter, defensive, even selfish when they go through a painful experience, in their personal life or otherwise.

Well, I'm speaking from my own experience with suffering, that's it. Suffering and pain have made me an essentially better person. However, if you'd like to generalize about which happens more often, positive or negative impact of suffering on people, I'd like some statistical data, please. :) Otherwise, it's my belief vs your belief, and utterly useless as a discussion point.

I can understand the reliability issue, but I don't rely on Tarot that heavily. Tarot is like a friend's opinion: it's noted but it's never the sole base for my decision-making. That will differ for different people. :)


Well, I'm speaking from my own experience with suffering, that's it. Suffering and pain have made me an essentially better person. However, if you'd like to generalize about which happens more often, positive or negative impact of suffering on people, I'd like some statistical data, please. :) Otherwise, it's my belief vs your belief, and utterly useless as a discussion point.

I can understand the reliability issue, but I don't rely on Tarot that heavily. Tarot is like a friend's opinion: it's noted but it's never the sole base for my decision-making. That will differ for different people. :)

True, decisions should never be made based on tarot, wether we believe it works or not.
And I don't have any numbers at hand, but in my work, and personal life as well, I've seen it many times, suffering not making people better, but worse....but again, there can be exceptions...