New Orleans Voodoo Tarot...anyone use as a main deck?


This deck has always been of interest to me because it seems to spark such intense feelings among readers, one way or another. I admit it isn't one that calls to me to read with, but that doesn't mean I don't find it's theme interesting.

I was wondering if any readers, professional or those who even just read for themselves, have this deck as their main, or one of their main, reading decks and why?

No one can say this is a boring-looking deck! But I am curious how readers use it and it's reading appeal.


After the 2010 Haiti earthquake I participated in several relief benefits = raising money.
In one of them we drummed. - all night.
In another one I did readings with this deck for donations towards the relief. It was a 10.00am to 10.00pm thing and I had several other decks there but most people, when they saw this deck wanted a reading with this one. It was culture specific.
Most of my sitters were Haitian ex-pats or in Toronto on a work or student visa. Many were French speakers and not quite so fluent in English. My French sucks, so I read mainly in English but I sure learned a lot of Creole words and "slang" from my querants.

It was rough going - NOT because of the deck - I am quite familiar with Vodoun the Haitian religion and its Loas and rituals - (worked a while with a Mambo in an Honfour to learn more...)
Divination is a big part of Vodou and so I got lots and lots of questions about ifff so and so is still alive and why this and or that Loa did not intervene - or petitions to Papa Legba at the crossroads in the name of this and that relative.....


Wow Mi-Shell!

That was REALLY interesting to me! Your experience and obviously how comfortable you are with this deck and your knowledge about what it is based around. Thank you for sharing that. I don't know anyone who reads with this deck, well, I'm guessing there are some here in AT, I know some have this deck. I just was wondering if there were readers who were comfortable with it, read with it at all often. Thanks for sharing!


afrosaxon, who I don't think is around much these days, used this as one of her main decks. She actually posted on every card in the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot study group.

It's one of the first 5-10 decks I ever bought and every so often I pull it out to take a look at it with the thought of using it, but it ends up going back on the shelf. One of these days though....



Thanks RW

I shall check out that thread just because I find the deck of interest, although I admit again, I don't see me ever getting or using it. It is such a unique deck though.
May I ask, RW, why it gets put back? Is it just so different from other decks or is it the kind of imagery? I have read others who have done the same, meant to read with it, but put it back. It seems a very...powerful...deck.


It's both having to learn an entirely new system and that the imagery doesn't speak all that much to me. I'm guessing I bought my copy in 92 or so as I bought my first deck in 91. I doubt any of the current printings would have the same cardstock, so I wouldn't get rid of my copy unless I was getting rid of my whole collection (and I'm not).

Once I venture into pip decks, the NOVT might become more appealing.


Thank you for sharing that, RW

The NOVT seems to really invoke (no pun intended) certain visceral, emotional responses and/or be a tad confusing, as you said, learning a new system. But ever since I saw it, I thought that is one interesting and powerful deck...that I will never use :). Doesn't keep me from finding it mysterious and fascinating though!


It is not a new system! You just have to be familiar and comfortable with Vodoun and all its terminology.Then all the characters are very well chosen to represent the cards.


You just have to be familiar and comfortable with Vodoun and all its terminology.
Point taken. That makes it more research and learning than I have time for right now. Might as well be a new system.... ;)


Just looked it up; yeah - that would take quite an adjustment for me to read with ....

However - I could possibly work with it; the linked 'African Tarot' I just found too 'cutesy' to almost 'cheesy'.