Fearing the Queen of Pents - HELP please!



I agree with this if it were the feelings and fears of the woman..

Hi Grizabella

How are you? Glad to see you here.

Well...the feelings are HIS, not her.

For the other person, I'd say this is very apt. Maybe he's been in a relationship like that and sees the same traits in her so he's gun shy.

Could be correct. 'Known another' is your thought or you picked from the card? If from the card then do tell more as interested to learn.

Girl Archer

Mommy issues manifesting in the relationship perhaps? Or that she may be high maintenance and he fears he cannot always maintain her so?


Girl Archer

Mommy issues manifesting in the relationship perhaps? Or that she may be high maintenance and he fears he cannot always maintain her so?


In my two pents mummy issues would be Empress but will go with high maintenance. In fact materialistic and high maintenance is something I've mentioned in my opening post.


Girl Archer

Deleted, double post due to tech glitch.


Girl Archer

Deleted, repetitive post due to tech glitch.

Girl Archer


In my two pents mummy issues would Empress but will go with high maintenance. In fact materialistic and high maintenance is something I've mentioned in my opening post.

I would read mother issues with this too, oh and fear of marriage/commitment.


Girl Archer

I would read mother issues with this too, oh and fear of marriage/commitment.

Interesting, I don't see this as marriage/commitment card. For that I would look at Hierophant, 4 of Wands and even 10 of Pents.

I've read about Queen of Pents as hookers on this forum but that absolutely doesn't apply here. There are instances when I read this card as the other woman.

Girl Archer

Interesting, I don't see this as marriage/commitment card. For that I would look at Hierophant, 4 of Wands and even 10 of Pents.

I've read about Queen of Pents as hookers on this forum but that absolutely doesn't apply here. There are instances when I read this card as the other woman.

Agreed Nalini, but I see the Queen of Pentacles as a wife (and possibly mother, but let's not wildly speculate) and often it has many times come up in readings as a man's desire for something long term and more solid, looking for someone who is "marriage material". Hence my association with Queen of Pentacles as a wife, domestic woman, lady of the hearth et cetera.

Queen of Pents as hookers? Reversed ones, probably or ill-dignified.


The fears of another woman is a meaning of this queen upright when dealing with relationship issues. It could also be fear of an over bearing mother/wife/partner. In a relationship question I personally do not like to see the queen of pentacles unless this queen is my client.

The hopes are a great organizer, and cares for others, much like that of the Empress.


She can be afraid of losing everything that grounds her: her family, her community, her home, her furniture, her money.