Choose Five Decks Only for Your Collection?


This thread prompted me to start a new discussion about how many decks you need, specifically in reference to this quote from Barleywine:

Thinking more on this, in my case there are two valid answers. "Too many . . . and not enough." If the follow-up question were "How many of those decks do you think you really need?" the answer for me would be four: one each of the "Big Three" tarot decks and a Lenormand deck; oracle decks would be optional.

Hypothetically, if you had to limit your collection to just four decks; an RWS-, a Thoth- or GD-based deck, a TdM, and a Lenormand; which four would you choose?

Also, let's say you're allowed one other type of deck, such as an oracle, what five would they be?


My choices would be:

Fantastic Menagerie (RWS)

Liber T

My Noblet

A copy of The Game of Hope Lenormand (which I don't own yet)

And my oracle choice would be my Minchiate Solleone (1980)


Bohemian Animals Tarot - to make me laugh in bad times its so positive
Voyager - so I can be transported to the 80s
Cosmic Tarot - so I can sit and try to figure out who the film stars are , it would force me to get my cogs working. I might be spitting feathers by the end when I can figure out who is who mind you.
Spiral Tarot - something different
Tarot Of Sweet Twilight - reminds me of a nightmare before christmas and other depp films thrown into one crazy deck. plus I can use it in study group


Pierre Madenié 1709 TdM
Il Meneghello Soprafino
No Thoth for me (maybe one day)
My beat up Universal Waite, for sentimental reasons

I don't do oracles :p


I can narrow it down to 3

Wild Unknown

I don't do oracles but would love the Druid Animal Oracle
And TdM decks don't call to me at all.


Pffft. I can do with only ONE. Shadowscapes.

But if I got to pick five - FIVE! I would pick:

Hanson-Roberts (my very first, a gift from my parents)
The aforementioned Shadowscapes
Crystal Visions
A standard RWS
A TdM (Probably the Ukiyoe)


I don't like Thoth, though I have tried very hard to; we just don't connect...the same goes for TdM. After years of owning a bunch of oracles, but never really cottoning on to them, I don't think I'd need one of those, either.

So if I were reduced to only 5 decks, it would have to be:

Fantastic Menagerie
Prisma Visions colour tarot (1st ed)
Daniloff tarot
Golden tarot (Kat Black)
Piatnik Lenormand


This thread prompted me to start a new discussion about how many decks you need, specifically in reference to this quote from Barleywine:

Hypothetically, if you had to limit your collection to just four decks; an RWS-, a Thoth- or GD-based deck, a TdM, and a Lenormand; which four would you choose?

Also, let's say you're allowed one other type of deck, such as an oracle, what five would they be?

TdM - de la Rea. It's close enough to "true" and I COULD not be without it.
RWS - Pagan Cats.
Foff - my large sized AGM 1986 one.

I don't want a Lennie. So I can't do that one. I'll take a copy of MY deck instead, as I learned so much from making it.

Other type of deck - can I just have another tarot deck, please ?


Other type of deck - can I just have another tarot deck, please ?
No, sorry...

But I forgot about my Fantastic Menagerie. I couldn't do without it!


My choices are extremely typical of of me, to the point of being boring.

RWS Centennial Edition
Gay Tarot
Tabula Mundi

Those are decks I have. If I can choose decks I don't the list would be even more basic.

ETA: Silly me, didn't notice the thread had rules. :)

But I just wouldn't choose a Lenormand because I never use them, and they're basically Chinese to me. I admire those who can make sense out of them but really, I can't. As for an oracle... again, I have no idea. I think I live in a type of cave, so much of the card world passes me by and leaves me mystified.