• Total voters


Yea that might work for decks! Depth of 0.9 inch. Have to check average deck thickness minus the tin itself hmmmmm. Anyway, GOOD TO KNOW. Now I don't care about the polls :D Besides I changed my mind about wanting a little Thoth. Colors just aren't clear enough to be so small. And I was going to vote next for the WU, but a tin at their rates? No thank you!

Looks a bit too shallow for a full tarot. If it would fit I'd buy one for every single tarot I own simply to have them protected in my storage drawers. Most mine are just loose with a cloth scrunchie around them to keep them together.


deleted ^/^


Agree. I have a trimmed 1st Edition Alchemical that's about pocket size and it's AWESOME! šŸ˜Š

I just can't wait to get my grubby hands on that.

I do hope the publishers would consider releasing borderless editions for these tins though, so that the cards' details won't be sacrificed even if they go pocket-sized. It would make sure that all the cards' real estate would be productive too. I won't mind getting charged a little more for the extra ink.


Hey All!

If anyone knows or has contact info for any of these makers you may want to pass along this link. I would think DruidCraft makers would like to know. Here's their credits on AT:

Will Worthington, Stephanie Carr-Gomm, Philip Carr-Gomm

If anyone does contact makers/publishers outside of the two I already have, please post to let us know, thanks!

I wasn't sure who to email, so I plumped for Philip Carr-Gomm as he's head of the Order that I belong to. At least he could pass it on to Connections (or whoever has the rights at the moment).

If I hear anything back, I'll let you know :) I would LOVE to get my hands on a smaller Druidcraft with something sturdy to protect it.


I just can't wait to get my grubby hands on that.

I do hope the publishers would consider releasing borderless editions for these tins though, so that the cards' details won't be sacrificed even if they go pocket-sized. It would make sure that all the cards' real estate would be productive too. I won't mind getting charged a little more for the extra ink.

Yes, maybe I should put this note in the opening post. Everyone seems to prefer borderless.


I voted for the Druidcraft Tarot. I've also trimmed my copy but because of its huge size it's pretty much not usable for me. It's my favorite pagan tarot deck.


Would love a Nigel Jackson in any form the colouring and art are just *wow*

Agree. The Nigel Jackson Tarot is another great general deck that would sell well if they brought it back.


R F Moroccan

I lied (o my) and said I wouldn't vote for any of the above decks. But to me the Royal Fez would be doubly good to have in a tin, bc the simpler images lend themselves to smallness, and it would be great if it was back in PRINT. Voted!


I personally would love to have a Deviant Moon pocket sized deck, but I think that the Druid Craft deck would be much better. Mostly because the regular deck is sooo big already, I think a lot of people find it to be a turn off (Although it is a beautiful deck).