Pregnancy....??? Is there a card that mean pregnancy??

Lady Anna


Is there a card that means the possibility to get pregnant or the desire to get pregnant???....

A card that advises you to be careful in that area???....

Please help me with this.....

Blessings to all.....!!!! :OL

Lady Anna :THP


Lady Anna -

There are a couple of cards that come to mind when I think of possible pregnancy - :TEMPS Empress, :TAC Ace of Cups and :TQC Queen of Cups. Especially when two are paired in a reading.

I did a spread for my sister about a month ago and the Ace of Cups :TAC and :TQC Queen of Cups came up together in a reading. Sure enough, she was pregnant. (Unfortunately, she is in the process of losing the pregnancy - I did a spread for her today (today she had an ultrasound) and her spread had the :T9S, :T10S and :TEMPS rev. - I took it to mean loss of pregnancy and sure enough, no heartbeat :()

:TMOON Starfish


Also the Sun, which can refer to existing children or, in the right position, children to come.

But do be very careful about "predicting" pregnancy. The Empress is about creativity and creation of, well, anything, not just babies--the same for the other cards. Ace of Cups + Queen of Cups could mean new insights and psychic talents as much as a pregnancy. Take care that you examine where the card is in the spread and how it relates to other cards before telling anyone--even yourself--that they are going to be with child. A mistaken prediction in this case could be devistating.


In my experience, they are:

The Empress
Ace of Wands
Three of Pentacles

Hope that helps. :)


Ace of Wands also, it's a phallic symbol with 'balls' and DNA strands in the Robin Wood deck.


Like Thirteen, I have heard of :TSUN the sun being used as an indication of pregnancy but I don't thik I would ever interpret it this way... depending on the surrounding cards and if a a question was relating that specifically related to this...


As everyone has been saying here, it is more than just one card. You usually look for a combination of cards that mean fertility/celebration/birth/creativity, etc...

For me I would look for a combination of the following cards (at least three of these in a reading):

3 of cups
Ace of Wands
Pages or any of the 'children' cards such as the Sun or 6 of cups.


In a book of mine, I actually do not know it´s title any more, it was stated the "Strength" has a meaning of pregnancy - from my point of view especially if the "Moon" shows up in the reading, too.

Lady Anna



Thanks for your advices and tips....All are very helpful...!!!....

I'll take notes for further readings....!!!....


Analisa :OL


In the Rohrig deck the Princess of Cups definately could indicate pregnancy, but be careful about predicting such things with Tarot, thats what a doctor is for hehe