The A. Nonny Mouse Promotional Tarot Deck: The Sequel!!!


International Mouse Eowyn agrees to the new evidence.
So, no free tickets!

Guiding Cauldron

Will keep my eyes peeld for auction/ticket time too. I agree with no free tickets and I already love that the contributors get a free PDF format of the deck and LWB SO alls fair I think :)


I don't know if my vote counts, but I agree---no free tickets. I think everyone participated in this out of the goodness of their hearts, not in hopes of a little edge with a free ticket. I'm not even going to buy a ticket myself because I don't think it would be right if I won one of the decks. There have been soooo many people working so hard on this project that I think it should remain a fair playing ground, with everyone buying tickets. Maybe there's time enough that if a person can't afford a ticket any other way, they could put up a sale thread to offer a deck or two of their own to get the money for a ticket or two if they badly want to participate.

I'm so very touched and amazed at the hard work that went into this and the interest that's been shown---it leaves me speechless, almost. Rodney's parting with part of the proceeds from his own decks to help keep the Nonny thread afloat and then this project are beautiful gestures by beautiful, generous people who make AT what it really is.

More packages are in the works, to be mailed hopefully by the end of this week, by the way, for those who watch that thread. I've tried not to mail out everything at once so as to make Rodney's donation cover a little time rather than to just mail all at once. It seems better that way, since the project has been pretty quiet for so long.

OK back to combing the forums for recipients. If anyone cares to give me some nominees, it would be greatly appreciated.

In the meantime, we know gregory's coffers are overflowing with deck-buying, ticket-buying money. Would someone please sew her purse shut? She's ruthless in pursuit of a rare deck!

(Just kidding, of course.)


OY, Griz. There is NO reason not to buy a ticket. You have as much right to win the deck as anyone. I hope I do - that is exactly why I have nominated such a whiter-than-white mod to do the drawing - otherwise WHEN }) I win you would all say I cheated.

And you'd likely be right. :|

Aulruna has offered to redo her cards. Bless her; I fear the time has come :( When they get here and if I haven't heard form rhombchick, I will do a copy of her 4 cups and sign it "school of rhombchick" or "after rhombchick" or something..... if that's OK with all of you ? As everything else is done ! Otherwise I may end up trying to raffle it while I am in Canada again..... You SO do not want that to happen.....


If Grizzy doen't bu a ticket, Im sure she will get a couple or two as a gift.

Everybody is invited to play!

I'm getting one of the decks any ways.

Ok, the Mad Hatter says bye :D I gotta watch the second period, CHI 1 - HON 0


Okay, the Sharpies are sharpened and new myce will be produced. And this time I'll properly scan the little buggers before they hit the road!

And no fancy faerie stationery, either.

The badges will be put into something else I'll send to greggers, to keep the myce well under the radar.

Griz, please buy a ticket!!!


gregory said:
When they get here and if I haven't heard form rhombchick, I will do a copy of her 4 cups and sign it "school of rhombchick" or "after rhombchick" or something..... if that's OK with all of you ?
I like the "school of rhombchick" idea if the cards really haven't arrived when Aulruna's are there. I know you're the queen of tracing! :)

Guiding Cauldron

Everything is happily squeaking along it seems, so thrilled its nearly completed :)


Still no last few cards :(

ETA Aulruna's are now on their way. So that just leaves my bootleg card if rhombchick is still MIA when they arrive.


My cards are sent and should show up at gregory's any time now. Sorry they are such a quick sketch and not as elaborate as my other contributions to the Nonny deck.

Here is a mug shot of them, in case they go off on walkabout like the last lot did.

Keep your eyes peeled.


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