New Orleans Voodoo Tarot

Water Pixie

Anyone on here working wit this deck, or interested in working with this deck? If you are let me know!


Hi Water Pixie,

In case you don't know, there's a complete Study Group for the deck. You're welcome to add to the posts there.



I received a used copy of this deck recently from a forum member, and I'm incredibly happy with it.

It sat on a shelf for a few days, I admit it. Then I took it out today and spent some serious time with it. I don't have the companion-book, just the deck and a black vinyl bag that feels slightly sweaty and entirely fitting for the deck.

I'm a Scapini fan, and got his Lukumi Tarot years ago as my nod to this magical strand, but much though I adore his work, I have to admit that the deck is slightly unsatisfying. Not so the NOV!

It took me about two minutes to switch over my Tarot circuits into the right mode, and I was off. Each and every one of the Majors made sense, and I loved the Wild Card, even though to me the Fool has always been a Wild Card. It took me no-time-flat to work out the suits, and going through the Minors was just a joy.

I was in a café with it, aware that the people at the next table were watching me, and I just didn't care. My coffee got stone-cold on a distant corner of the table. I sank right into that particular Otherworld.

When I finally got up from the table, colours were brighter, shadows were darker, every muscle in my body tingled, and I could see through space and time.

I'm going to enjoy spending time with this one!

Le Fanu

This is an extraordinary deck. Heaving - nay palpitating - with oddness.

It's a deck which, although I wouldn't go as far as saying I get the heeby-jeebies from, I am very reluctant to use. In the best possible way.

Not spooky, just unsettling.


That's just it - it didn't feel odd to me at all whilst I was engaged with it. When I clicked into it, the universe looked different. It was as if I'd been looking at everything through a stained glass window in darkness all my life, and suddenly I got a flash of seeing everything through brilliantly clear glass under floodlights.

Walking down the middle of a reasonably crowded shopping mall afterwards, all colours and lights still lit up, all people still transparent, was an ... er ... interesting experience. I loved it.


Perhaps I should take out mine too...


That's just it - it didn't feel odd to me at all whilst I was engaged with it. When I clicked into it, the universe looked different. It was as if I'd been looking at everything through a stained glass window in darkness all my life, and suddenly I got a flash of seeing everything through brilliantly clear glass under floodlights.

Walking down the middle of a reasonably crowded shopping mall afterwards, all colours and lights still lit up, all people still transparent, was an ... er ... interesting experience. I loved it.

Wait until the cards really try to connect back to you, one particular card will take a liking to you and you'll know it. The NOV is the one deck that I have particular respect for, I've never had a deck try to make such a connection with me and to be honest, It was unnerving and took me a few days to get over the physical effects. I really don't think I could handle it as a reading or study deck, way too intense. Usually I say tarot cards are just paper and ink but the NOV feels different.

Le Fanu

Because of what users have consistently said about this deck (like its intensity and oddness), once it's out of print, it'll end up being one of the most desirable of all OOP decks!


Because of what users have consistently said about this deck (like its intensity and oddness), once it's out of print, it'll end up being one of the most desirable of all OOP decks!

And now I'll blame you (well, and you, Nisaba!!) for making me order it!!!

Actually I've been considering it a couple of times, so..............


I haven’t been able to do much with it, quite disappointed really.

Pedro and Arada are basically Ayitian, Santeria is Cuban and the Spanish parts of S America though, ok, all these things are practiced everywhere. I wondered why the authors didn't choose one variety from Ayiti, Santeria, then maybe Obeah and, say, Qimbada from Brazil, etc, to broaden its coverage. In New Orleans they call Vodou "Hoodoo". But boundaries have to be drawn.

Where I think it fails is simply the lack of symbolism. None of the Orisha / Loa cards give a vévé or the syncretised Catholic saints or other attributes like the colours, which would lend SO much more of an understanding of what the entities mean to people who "use" them. They've been so short-changed by Hollywood LOL.

Some of the Minors tie in with traditional essences – Ogun for Mars and the 5s of this and that; the Zili family for Venus, the 7s, etc Some are a bit dodgy.

The Majors are weird, sometimes traditional, sometimes not. Ayizan for 3? She’s a priestess, wife of Loco (4) both root Loa, but not an Empress. I couldn’t work out #12=zombie or “deluge” for #16 ! I reckon the Pomba Gira would make a better #15. She's been left out altogether. The Ghedes don't get much of a look in either.

I’ll leave off there as, in the final analysis, if people like the cards and can read with them that’s what counts. I found them interesting but unenlightening. I don't think they serve these faiths well, unless they help people to a better understanding than propagandized by Hollywood!