A Card a Day of Sacred Circle


Re: Re: Re: April 8 .. 5 Disks

Nitegoddess said:
Thanks so much starsongs that means a lot to me. I hope things get better for you as well. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. :)

You're welcome! Thank you too, Nitegoddess. :D Today feels lots better..I hope it does for you too!



April 10 - Five of Discs

Wow ...... WOW!!!!!

OK, this is the card of "Restriction". Not sure what that means, but I am hoping my Saturday is laid back ..... have my Tarot Circle meeting in the afternoon and MAY stop by and look for new decks before then (maybe I should restrict myself, hehe).

But now for the WOW moment. I did my usual "anal" routine for the shuffling, cutting, riffling of my cards. I have a different routine based on my online readings vs. my "card-a-day" readings, but both are equally as anal, lol.

While I was doing this routine, a card popped out - The Lovers. I put it back into the middle of the deck and started the routine from scratch ..... toward the end, another card FLEW out ..... SAME card ..... what does THAT mean?!?!?


Sacred Circle Card A Day, April 9

The Web, 11

This is the second time for thE Web, first drawn on April 3rd.

starsongs said:
The Web, 11

I went to a lecture on post tribal shamanism today. This card seems related to that.

Kenn Deigh spoke about how in a post tribal society individuals have lost the sense of connection, and how learning to travel in the three worlds at Will can help one to find valuable information for living and restore a sense of connectedness and wholeness.

It was a great lecture. See Kenn's website below

Today, I met a good friend for dinner. We talked alot about the web of life and how situations arise that are good opportunities to learn and grow.

We talked about action and reaction and how becoming more aware within actions is the first step in making any changes that need to be made, and about creating new patterns...

Our conversation sems to fit with this card...



8 of Swords ( R )-- Bondage

Seven Swords, pointing upwards hang in mid-air above the grass, and a single sword hovers over them horizontally .

I don't recall drawing this card before but I guess that it is not as harsh as it is in its upright position.

It gives hope , if I would distance myself from the situation at hand, in order to get a better perspective.

I need to see the whole picture instead .


April 10... 6 wands

I am feeling better, the skies are starting to clear over here and I am enjoying the nice sunny days finally.

This is fitting being that I accomplished a lot yesterday. Didn't even pull a card for yesterday.

Let's hope more comes through today. It would be nice to have things run smoothly for a while.


First Post

Hi Everyone,

Been lurking for a couple of days and thought I'd jump in. I've had this deck for about 9 months and mainly got it because I identify strongly with Celtic Mythology. As luck, syncronicity or intuition would have it, my first card was the Green Man. He stands, part of the forest, part of the land, amid berries, ferns and cones. He seems bold and forceful - the generative force of nature in all directions. I'm a long distance runner and a very amateur naturalist so I try to aware of what's growing around me. The Green Man is very much a part of my life right now from the blossoming Laurelcherries out of my side window as I type this, to the Titmice nesting in my birdhouse and from Goldfinches at my feeder changing from winter green to brilliant yellow. Other beginnings are a new part time job that pays well and a new car (newer used car than I had). Plus my email namesake, Toadshade, (a Trillium in the Carolina Mountains) is in full bloom. And, of course, this group is a great beginning.

Thanks - James (Toadshade)


2nd Card

Since I started yesterday I thought I'd bring myself up to date with today's card. Today I drew The Lady. What an image!! My first impression is one of hope, bounty, sensuality, abundance in all forms of nature from the fertility of the rabbit to the flowers,bees, fruit and harvest. She is the promise of the Green Man and his Creation. Her Crown of Stars and Full Moon over her left shoulder to me suggest eternal promise of spiritual fullfilment through the fluctuating cycles of life. She is radiant in her Full Moon Magic!!

On a personal level she is of utmost importance to my spirituality. I'm a recovering alcoholic going on 19 years of sobriety. I use 12 step groups and my home group is a 12 step meeting. We go through a step a week and start over with one after we finish twelve. There's a continual sense of shedding my 'spiritual skin' every time we go around. It's a cycle of renewal and this card (as many other cards in this deck) remind me of the remarkable journey I'm on. It's hard to get complacent with such a powerful image at the center of your spirituality.

Thanks - Toadshade


Welcome Toadshade to the Sacred Circle Study

Glad you decided to join in with us and share your thoughts on the cards.



11 April - 2 of Discs - Fluctuation

The card I drew yesterday morning was 2 of Discs - Fluctuation, which always makes me think of juggling to some degree - financies or material aspects of life. Yesterday was certainly a juggling of time between home, shopping, visiting etc.

Had a chuckle when I read the meaning from the book this morning about finances - ooops guess I shouldn't have bought those boots for work yesterday ;)



April 11 (Easter Sunday) - Page of Swords


Now, let me think .......