A Card a Day of Sacred Circle


5 April - 3 of Swords - Discord

Another Sword card! I drew the 3 of Swords yesterday (still a day behind LOL).

Discord - yes well there was a bit of that in my day but it turned out fine in the end - nothing major. Had to have a "discussion" with my son about guitar practice and reading vs television! The main feeling of unhappiness was when I was driving to work though - realised that I am just not happy with my work at the moment. No time for any enjoyable or creative stuff anymore to balance it out - all day to day hard slog and figures, reports, spreadsheets :( Have to do something about this to get my drive and motivation back!



Sacred Circle Card A Day, April 5

The Star, 17

What a beautiful card! Over the weeekend I had the sense of a new beginning on the horizon and decided very spontaneously to take a workshop in May feeling newly inspired...

am also taking a look at attitudes and ways of thinking that may be too inflexible...



April 6 - Ten of Cups

Reward - but only after I had a card pop out while shuffling ..... Nine of Swords/Suffering.

So, do I have to endure some suffering today before I get my reward? Hmm ..... well I do have to go into my main office today and do my long put-off expenses, plus start a couple of major projects ...... and tonight my SO is taking me to get my delayed b-day present (a new dvd release). So I guess that COULD be what these cards are saying. But, you never know .......


2 of Cups


wow, that's the third day in a row I pulled cups, wonder what's up with that? I could really use some harmoney today since my boss already came over once this morning and was a total jerk! :(


April 6 ~ Queen of Swords


I believe that I create my own world by my thoughts, be they good or bad. I need to use my own creative forces to shape my world into what I want it to be - not necessarily live out someone else's dreams.

This Queen is one I relate to...pg 187 pretty much describes me: unconventional, likes to be with people but happy for solitude; loves music, poetry, beautiful things...HATES INGNORANT PREJUDICE AND BLIND FAITH (boy, do I ever)

Oh, I get it!! It's telling me to be me :) hahaha


Card A Day, Sacred Circle, April 6

The Greenman, 0

This is the third time for Greenman since beginning the Card A Day exercise.

from the book: Powerful forces at work breaking down the old so that the new may emerge... quite true...astrologically transiting Uranus is right on my Sun...its a mandate!

i am restless with an overwhelming impulse to throw out many things and to seek new experiences. Trying not to do this in totally blind and erratic fashion ;)

13thFaeChylde said:

This Queen is one I relate to...pg 187 pretty much describes me: unconventional, likes to be with people but happy for solitude; loves music, poetry, beautiful things...HATES INGNORANT PREJUDICE AND BLIND FAITH (boy, do I ever)

Oh, I get it!! It's telling me to be me :) hahaha

You really made me smile this morning, 13thFaeChylde. Thanx! You Go Girl!! :D



7 April - 5 of Wands - Grounding

Finally a wand card! I think this card is telling me to get a grip, get back in touch with the real world. Don't be overconsumed by one thing - work! Or tarot even !!! aah did I say that? Need to spend more time actually playing with the cards a while and not so much studying and AT. Long weekend coming up - time to do some readings. Spend some time with my family, get some yard and house work done. :D



Page of Disks (R) -- Health

This court card advises that I take good care of my health.

Well, I had been meaning to see a dentist for a while now, for some nagging toothache, but instead I find myself taking pain relievers.

Maybe it is a serious warning !!!!!

I think I should be checking with him soon. Ouch


April 7 - Three of Wands

Foundation - really going to have to dwell on that one ......

Maybe the time is ripe to start a couple of projects at work I have been putting off.


April 7 ~ 8 of Wands


I have taken the day off from work so that me and the kids could have a playday while they're on break. So there will be some action ~ if we can ever decide where to go -lol. I could have planned this one better.