The Devil and problems with one's sexuality


To me these 3 cards might show a sex addiction with the obvious phallic and feminine symbols combined with the devil.
And I have heard that some sex addicts need that kind of sex to get them off. No feelings, sex with strangers, or just with people that they don't really like.
So as we all know this was representing a problem, the problem may be he genuinely cared for her and so was unable to perform.
Sex addiction is a complicated problem can sometimes be caused by not dealing with the emotional scars that child sexual abuse leaves. When an older women preys on a young boy going through puberty it leaves the poor guy very confused and emotionally hurt but he can't talk about it. You would think that a womanizer likes women but mostly it's the reverse.

I think this is a great post Leonie, and very relevant to the reading in question..and, although I don't know the problems in the background of the man in this case, which are probably along the lines you mentioned, I believe the Devil there stands for those very issues, preventing sex despite a strong attraction or potential..


Sorry, didn't follow the thread but second take perhaps we're trying to read too deeply into the spread. Could the devil simply be indicating repression over sexuality in the ace w and emotions in ace c? If so perhaps the reasons behind the repression could be clarified by additional cards.
Yes, it could be..the result being the same -a strong drive repressed, leading to a block..


Well in my modest experience, ( surely not 30 years like yours ), the Devil is NEVER a good omen...the only exception to me was sexual readings, and now that's going to change as well...

And forgive me for quoting myself, but those two readings I mentioned prove that, at the very least in some cases, that's what it means...