Thoth or Hermetic Tarot?


Thanks everybody who answered! I really appreciate your answers. I think I will have another look at decks that may be easier for a beginner. Although, it is likely I will end up going for the thoth. It simply seems to be on of the most beautiful decks I have seen.

Again, thanks everybody. You have definitely helped me make my choice.

late add:
Thoth was my first. There could be no other.

You can incorporate further study of other decks when needed or desired. The differences in the Thoth force you out the nest to learn. I own 5 of them.

Grab the one you like the most.


Thanks everybody who answered! I really appreciate your answers. I think I will have another look at decks that may be easier for a beginner. Although, it is likely I will end up going for the thoth. It simply seems to be on of the most beautiful decks I have seen.

You're right there. But those words are not "definitions"; they are an integral part of the deck - they are the names Crowley gave to the cards. Have a look in the Thoth forum here and read more about it.


Of course! (not answering for nisaba but I'm sure she'd agree that you get all sorts)

You learn these astrological associations and kabbalah and hindu mythology and hebrew alphabet etc etc and you'll get asked very banal questions by querents (does he love me? Is he gay? is he having an affair?). It's life!

<points upwards> Pretty much my answer.

And I believe that the Hermetic is symbolically richer and deeper than the Thoth <grin> - different people with different perspectives. There's only so much I can get from the Thoth after my time with it. I've had the Hermetic a much shorter time, but already it seems richer.


I adore the Thoth, and find the Hermetic impossible to read. However this is because colour is so important for me, so your experience may differ

For a first deck I'd lean towards Thoth, because it has much more supporting resources (books, websites, podcasts etc..) you could immerse yourself in. Hermetic doesn't have the same amount of specific resources, though you can use any of the Golden Dawn materials which are generic for GD style decks.

If you're more an intuitive reader and won't want the resources, then pick the one you like the look of better I guess.