WHICH deck would you replace FIRST?


It has to be Druidcraft

Same as Sasmi - this is the deck that made it happen for me - I LOVE it.

Also my Llewellyn - so atmospheric for me - although I'm a Dartmoor girl, those Welsh hills and mountains speak to me


Hmm... My sentimental favorite is my Russian Union Chernobyl deck. the 2s through 10s are only pips, but the drawings on the majors, aces and courts are beautiful. This is a small poker-sized deck so it's really comfortable to use. BTW - the Aeclectic deck page calls them the Karmic Tarot.

I'd been using the Universal Waite as my everyday deck, but I recently got the Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan and Mark Evans and that's starting to take over as my RWS standard.

Then believe it or not, my Dollar Tree Mystical Tarot. I love that they're a smaller size, easier to handle, and I like the artwork. I digitally edited the "1" cards to make the missing 8's and 9's, then printed them on labels to paste over the eight white "spread" cards. The publisher, Fantasma, has a "standard" sized deck called the Wishcraft Mystical Tarot, but there the yellows become electric blues and the reds are painful pinks.


I have 5 decks that would have to be replaced pretty quickly but my numero uno must have first deck would be RWS


While I use my RWS the most, if it was lost, I would probably wait to find a good deal, as it's so common. I would likely rush to replace my 1JJ Swiss first.


Sentimentally speaking, Songs for the Journey Home Mini, though I suspect it would be difficult, and it would never be quite the same because I bought mine from Dwariko when she was over here. I would be heartbroken if anything happened to that deck.

Second one would be the Hoi Polloi.

morticia monroe

First would be the Bohemian Gothic, then the Victorian Romantic. Then Kat Black's Golden, the Ator, and the Morgan Greer, then the Fantastic Menagerie, and the Picture Postcard Tarot.

ana luisa

This thread is driving me crazy! I REALLY do not have ANY Tarot deck that I am that attached to emotionally... The only one I would really feel sorry for losing would be my uber old Lenormand (about 90 years old) I inherited from my great grandmother. But then again, it couldn't be "replaced" as it is old and belonged to someone who is no longer.
As for oracles, I may try and replace the Philosopher's Stone by DeEs and my I-Ching Holitzka but again, not for sentimental reasons but because they read so well.
Call me heartless! ;)


LOL Ana Luisa!

I don't want to drive you crazy! :) I thought it would be interesting to see which deck someone might LONG for the most, that they feel they are closest to for whatever reason and it's interesting as some, yes, are expensive or oop, which is great and everything, if that is the deck you are most drawn to, THAT is your deck. But it is also interesting how many are not expensive decks, but mass market ones. So the heart/mind is interesting with all things, and tarot is no exception.




Definitely the Original RWS.

Right now the second one would probably be the Silver Witchcraft. But *SOB* I'd miss so many of them. :(