Do cards lie


there are times when the cards do reflect your feelings about the subject. Especially if it's something that matters a lot to you. So, in that sense, they're not really lying, they're just mirroring your hopes or fears. Which does not necessarily reflect the truth.

A darling lady I swapped a reading with was insistent the cards kept telling her her married lover would leave his partner for her & pressured other readers for the same answer. She told them the previous reader agreed with her, so if the reader didn't agree then weren't very good. When she came to me she tried the same thing - it didn't work... there was no way he was going to leave his wife & family to be with her - the cards were clear & explicit on that subject.

What if her interpretation really were the way she was saying they were? What is she really saw it? Does it mean that the cards were mirroring her wishes?

in this case if you want an answer and not mirroring your wishes or fears- how do you determine if it is indeed an answer or just mirroring?


On the personal experience I have been asking " how my relationships with X will develop?" when in the real life I am looking for the reason to leave the person there is no feeling left from my side but splits are hard and you never know what is out there and if it will be the best decision.
The cards showing me The Lovers and 4 of wands and 10 of cups in different spreads. I just don't see this kind of scenario happening.


I think it's hard to define a difference between 'purposefully lying' and 'putting out a message that you're not able to read/putting out an inaccurate message'. Sometimes you just don't connect with a deck and it never really gives you accurate answers. Best to move on and find one that's a better fit for you. Now, if you're *looking* for an inaccurate answers (like in the examples given above), no change of decks will help you.

ana luisa

how do you determine if it is indeed an answer or just mirroring?

One of the most difficult questions about reading Tarot. I guess only time and a lot of practice will give you this insight. That's why it's sometimes better to ask others to read of you because your energies may taint the reading. Remaining impartial while reading for yourself is hard as h….!!!


One of the most difficult questions about reading Tarot. I guess only time and a lot of practice will give you this insight. That's why it's sometimes better to ask others to read of you because your energies may taint the reading. Remaining impartial while reading for yourself is hard as h….!!!

That is not really comforting. This way if you really want smth and your cards just reflecting you desires and not the real deal - kinda killing the purpose of the reading. I want to do the spreads myself, to pull out cards myself... may be I can be wrong in interpreting cards and will need help with that... I just though it is better to have connection with cards to get accurate reading rather than smbd else would do it for you and the way it turns out it is actually the opposite ?

ana luisa

That is not really comforting. This way if you really want smth and your cards just reflecting you desires and not the real deal - kinda killing the purpose of the reading. I want to do the spreads myself, to pull out cards myself... may be I can be wrong in interpreting cards and will need help with that... I just though it is better to have connection with cards to get accurate reading rather than smbd else would do it for you and the way it turns out it is actually the opposite ?

I didn't say you shouldn't read of yourself !! You should and can! Sometimes, though, the issue is waaay too important and serious and cards may give you an answer you shouldn't take to heart. For instance, a month ago, a very good friend of mine was taken to the emergency room to be operated and her chances of success were really slim. I don't think any reading I would do at that point could have been beneficial. If I am pessimistic, my cards would show a negative result. If I want her to get cured, it would show a rosy outcome. In situations like those, it is counterproductive to read.As it is to read when you're super sick, have horrendous cramps, have just caught with you date etc.
I admire your energy and motivation to read ; that is essential for mastering the "craft" but remember that the connection between you and your deck IS a very close one and energies can get mixed.


I didn't say you shouldn't read of yourself !! You should and can! Sometimes, though, the issue is waaay too important and serious and cards may give you an answer you shouldn't take to heart. For instance, a month ago, a very good friend of mine was taken to the emergency room to be operated and her chances of success were really slim. I don't think any reading I would do at that point could have been beneficial. If I am pessimistic, my cards would show a negative result. If I want her to get cured, it would show a rosy outcome. In situations like those, it is counterproductive to read.As it is to read when you're super sick, have horrendous cramps, have just caught with you date etc.
I admire your energy and motivation to read ; that is essential for mastering the "craft" but remember that the connection between you and your deck IS a very close one and energies can get mixed.

I tend to agree. I think perhaps there are issues like this that we are simply too close to, too involved in ourselves, to get an accurate reading on our own--especially for those of us very new to the cards.

Since I'm still very much in beginner mode myself, I'm not asking the cards anything that has even a hint of "fortune telling" to it--because I know my interpretations right now would be horribly skewed, in part due to my lack of experience, and in part because I'm in a difficult emotional situation that colors absolutely everything (husband dying of cancer). If I want a reading on what's actually happening, I'll pay someone, because it's unrealistic to think I could do an accurate job with it. Readings I do for myself are limited to subjects like "what's my best area for growth right now?" and non emotional things like "how do I fix my writer's block?", plus a daily draw that I treat for the most part as a lesson for the day.

As a beginner, I suspect reading for yourself on any strongly emotional subject is just asking to fall into this kind of trap, and it's more likely to sabotage your ability to master Tarot. Stick with topics that have an outcome you have less attachment to, or read only for others (at their request, the reading circles here look terrific for that kind of practice!), at least until you feel more confident in your abilities and your relationship issues resolve.


I am very sorry to hear about your husband. I really hope he will get better. I wish you and you husband all the luck!


I decided to learn tarot - to be able to see the answers during the hard times. You would want the clear and accurate readings exactly at such times- times when you emotionally involved but it comes out that when you need answers the most - you should look for smbd's else assistance :(

Holly doll

What if her interpretation really were the way she was saying they were? What is she really saw it? Does it mean that the cards were mirroring her wishes?

in this case if you want an answer and not mirroring your wishes or fears- how do you determine if it is indeed an answer or just mirroring?

No, they weren't... She was so desperate for it to happen, she tried to influence the cards & the readers - even when there were cards clearly indicating he was toying with her, she became angry when anyone disagreed. The poor lady had an emotional breakdown when he eventually ran off with a girl in her early 30's...